Re: A bit of luck
that was a HOAX!!!
57 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2009
And there's the side issue that SpaceX is a(nother) company that believes "Technical Writers" are unskilled workers.
When Musk is halfway to Mars and all the red lights start flashing, he's better hope that the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CHECKLIST was written by a well-paid, valued professional technical writer, not a propulsion engineer....
No, actually Apple's distinctive designs were (shoddily, usually) copied by everybody else. Practically every laptop on the market now has a design that can be traced back to the PowerBook G4 "Titanium".
Pretty amazing how Apple has got to where it is, given that according to the massed ranks of El Reg Commentardery, everything they've ever done is (a) a shameless copy of some unsung hero company's work, (b) crap, (c) ridiculously overpriced and (d) would never be bought by anybody.
Back in the day I remember desperately trying to hide whenever I encountered my swivel-eyed W95 fan neighbour keen to buttonhole me about why his beige boxes where better than my Mac. Visiting El Reg brings those days back into sharp focus....
all this nerdy stuff about "speccing uo an equivalent machine" ...
what would somebody like me, who has been using Apple products since the early 90s, and has a very considerable tangible investment in software licenses, not to mention a less tangible but equally valuable investment in acquiring knowledge of how the hardware, OS, supplied and third party software work have to gain by switching to a slightly cheaper, slightly more powerful, and most likely less reliable alternative when this would mean pretty much throwing away all that acquired knowledge?
I get the impression that a considerable amount of people here are far more into the gear than actually using it. And sure, even today, if that's what floats your boat, in the Windows/Linux world there's far more scope for fiddling with gear than in the Apple world.
Side note - my "corporate" machine is a Windows PC. At present a quite pleasant HP EliteBook. I've gone through 4 laptops in 8 years, generally replaced because fixing various software-based slowdowns was considered too challenging. My 2013 MacBook Air is still humming along quite happily. Just one data point.
-set impact tolerances for each important business service, which quantify the maximum tolerable
level of disruption they would tolerate;
-take actions to be able to remain within their impact tolerances.
"hope that helps"
Oh Heavens no! Your suggested phrase is almost complete devoid of bullshit Bankspeak. That won't do at all.
to be fair, a lot of "Cloud" stuff especially (but not only) on mobile devices _does_ get saved automatically, even when you don't want it too, and I can see why people might make the association "cloud" - "don't need to save anymore". It's a new paradigm thingy! And of course Office 365 is just a collection of variously shaped objects hammered into different shaped holes, with plenty of Marketing lavishly spread over to cover the chasms and glue it together.
But let's blame the user, eh. After all that's the first thing we reach for in IT.
I worked on Gen 1 satellite internet in the 90s with Eutelsat, Hughes-Olivetti, Astra, etc and back then technical issues deriving from geostationary orbit latency and backhaul (with Eutelsat it was actually via satellite) made it a (poor & expensive) solution in search of a problem that was rapidly going away. In a few very specialised cases it almost made sense. Even with lower orbit constellations it seems like the markets that could most benefit will be the least likely to afford it. I'm sure Bezos, Musk et al make a very convincing Powerpoint pitch.... but so did Hughes-Olivetti.
Next time you read the T&Cs, Mr Lusty, (since you appear to enjoy it so much), try using your reading glasses. Creative Commons is optional and Flickr pastes huge warning notices all over it. Personally I cannot see any reason to specify a CC license unless you want to ingratiate yourself to the freetards. It used to be very cool to do so back in the Web 2.0 days. Oh, and note that the CEO of Creative Commons himself has stated that IBM did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm sure the Regtards also are fully aware that the term "scraping" in this context is just plain wrong, but since when did the Register let truth get in the way of a good troll ? Pah!
The 30% that developers pay to Apple and _allegedly_ recoup includes distribution and (partial) marketing costs. If the App Store did not exist, or if there were alternative App Stores, the requirement and cost of designing, installing and maintaining a distribution system would not go away. I don't see much grounds for claiming that in a non App Store world consumer pricing would necessarily be lower... And small publishers would have severe problems getting any traction at all.
@RobertLongshaft -- It's a pity - and rather revealing - you needed to devalue your otherwise rational discourse with that childish "Barry" slur. Otherwise you might have provided food for thought. Still, just as well that uppity chap is around to blame for everything, isn't it ?
Pre-1998 is covered by a hefty tome called "Apple Design - The Work of the Apple Industrial Design Group". Can't remember how much it cost but it was a normal price for its size. It is full of information on the design of everything from the original Mac to the 20th Anniversary Mac, including many projects that never got into production. Lots of photos, but a lot of dense text too. It actually has real educational value for product design and product and software usability students.
Full of ideas, inventiveness and originality, including some awesomely daft ideas.
The total reverse of today's Jonny Ive's self-inflating fluff.
Well, I'm a long time Apple customer, and I can't say that I regret that, although as things stand I can't see anything they offer that appeals to me, or would, when my 2008 MacPro finally gives up (yes, 2008 - that's why I like(d) Apple products)
But Apple, the Company, well, really a bigger bunch of self-important narcissists would be pretty hard to find. Probably impossible. Certainly not outside of California.
And this thread is just hilarious. Alan Hely, if you're reading this - no, of COURSE you're reading it, it's about YOU after all - I do hope you've got enough self-awareness to realise how totally ridiculed you have been.
'There is no scientific consensus' on sea-level rise, say scientists - no, actually they didn't. They said there is no consensus on the drivers behind ice sheet melting.
Of all the Denier tossers venting garbage on the internet, this Page guy really takes the biscuit. The Register really is way, way beyond its sell by date.
"However, the fact that almost everyone who IS an expert in climate science accepts anthropogenic climate change to be the best working hypothesis is pretty important here no?"
They may accept it but they don't necessarily jump to alarmist conclusions - they leave that to the agenda-led tosspots on either side. Unfortunately climate science has done a deal with the devil - enhanced funding and high attention from politicians - at the price of having every result, publication and statement shamelessy miquoted and exagerated by politicians and careerist "experts" on both sides of the fence, not to mention nutjob ecofreaks and deniers. There isn't a snowball's chance in Hell of the actual facts, and indeed unknowns, getting heard now.