Does it exist? Acer says no.
I rang Acer UK to ask about this pc. The pre-sales representitive had never heard of it and told me he dealt with presales not pre-releases. After interjecting into his diatribe I polietly explained that I understood the difference between the two but surely there must be someone I could speak to in Acer about pre-releases? Well no there is not as they can only discuss items that are on sale. So how can they release a product they do not know exists? Does it turn up in the shops and then someone informs Acer who add it to their list? I am with James Dunmore on this. The whole concept is absurd. Acer's support (if you can call it that) even more so. I will not touch anything with Acer on it now as a matter of principle. As an aside why is it nigh on impossible to buy a small form desktop without comprimising on spec?