Take a bow.
I keep hearing a Rhianna song, every time this piece of news comes up,please make it stop!
223 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Apr 2009
Like your working Big John and I appeciate the costs involved in such a huge component.
The Accommodation module could be 900m across and have thick shielding round its outer cylinder. If the cosmonauts lived in that module the majority of the time at 1g it would propably improve the situation. Ambitious to do I know, but we need to develop safe long term environments in space if we are going to progress.
Shielding doesn't just have to be metal, we can look into the ablative, reflecting and absorbing properties of other materials like plastics or minerals. We just need to spend some more money on looking. Magnetic shielding even? http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2008/nov/06/magnetic-shield-could-protect-spacecraft
Firefox had a netmarket share of 12.03% in July 2015 and has 12.02% share now, according to https://www.netmarketshare.com/. While its use dipped to 7.69% back in June 2016 it has since recovered, mainly at the expense of IE and Safari.
I know many XP and Windows 7 refusniks who use it now and refuse to have a bar of Chrome. Not being the most used browser is sometimes a good thing, you are not the biggest target either.
Rifle is a subset of the word gun Bob. A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material. Rifling is added to improve accuracy and range. Considering that the weapons found were in hand luggage, I would assume most of them were pistols (with rifling) anyway.
Statistically, the presence of so many guns in the USA makes them far more dangerous to US citizens than the terrorists the laptop ban was meant to stop. While I assume you believe your 2nd Amendment rights are inviolate; I would suggest trying to disarm toddlers and banning lawnmowers, if you want to save more American lives, because they are killing more of your citizens than international terrorists, but still a fraction of the numbers killed by retaining the good ol' 2nd Amendment.
I ride a motorcycle. Good luck with making that an autonomous, data slurping, adrenaline free vehicle.
Honda, the makers of soulless machinery, are trying to: http://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/car-technology/news/a32162/honda-just-invented-a-self-balancing-motorcycle-that-never-falls-over/
The bus service in Kent is geared up to support all ages of traveller. Newer designs of bus lower themselves to the kerb when they stop to allow wheelchair users on, they are equipped with USB charging points for mobile devices and even have rudimentary wifi while in built up areas. My Mum is 73 years old and has thouroughly relished her free bus pass since it was first issued to her on her retirement. She has no need for a car or even a license, despite living in the sticks. Hourly buses work just fine and are a far cheaper, less wasteful use of resources than individual autonomus vehicles, no matter how cool they sound.
I only logged in to upvote your comment. Shame we can't plaster it across Samsung's site.
£800 for a phone? I'll stick to a Moto 4G for a fifth of the price and be happy to spend a similar amount, about 2 years later when the Android patches run out. How long will Samsung support the S8 with updates, I wonder?
My Android device purchase plan assumes built in obsolescence after 2-3 years anyway, along with the battery fade. I bought a Moto G in 2013 (£120) and replaced it in 2016 with a Moto G4 (£160). Next replacement probably another Moto G in 2019 (at about £200 by then). This averages out at £53.33 per year for hardware (PAYG ofc, add a £10 per month goodie bag on Giff Gaff).
I have no idea how many iPhones someone would buy over a 9 year period or how much that would cost them.
Google treating Nexus as badly as any other Droid manufacturer does their own devices, seriously undermines their value.
Here in the UK we have had cheaper offpeak electricity tariffs since 1978. Named Economy 7, it gives very cheap electric for 7 hours a night, ideal for heating water tanks and electric storage heaters. The "smart" meter has a radio teleswitch to tell the spinning dial which mechanical numbers to move as it spins. Take a good look at exactly how smart it appears to be: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_7
Use a dishwasher or washing machine with programmable delay and all your stuff gets done for cheap. It ain't broke, not fixing it.
I love my Moto G4 because I can plug in Sennheiser PX 100-II foldaways while I am out and about and then swap them for bulkier Grados Labs SR60i headphones when I'm at home. I hate earbuds, wired or bluetoothed, they hurt my ears, distract me due to the discomfort and sound rubbish when I compare them to a decent set of wired on-ear cans. If I want to listen to music wirelessly at home I can stream music to my ancient NAD 3020 and Rogers LS2a speakers via the wifi on my Arcam rDAC.
Equipment that attached to me has to be comfortable to use and easy to replace. Take away my freedom of choice and I will not choose your product. Simple.
"To be fair, foreign beer is ( if you like brown beer with bits in ) crap."
Please allow me to aquaint you with the brown beers of Belgium and Holland (definitely foreign). Grimbergen, Westmalle and Leffe are my favorite Belgian Trappist style ones. (https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/style/119/).
Holland does more yellow beers but La Trappe is particularly nice. (https://www.beerhawk.co.uk/dutch-beers).
Most of them taste similar to Newcastle Brown Ale but without the chemicals.
As for Italy's protectionist attitude to areas of outstanding historical architecture and beauty, McDonald's can burger off! Having visited Florence, Pisa and Venice back in the 1980s I would be appalled to see a MaccyD sign anywhere near them.
With Firefox lined in uBlock, NoScript and Bluhell Firewall, I haven't seen an ad on a Facebook page for about 2 years (or on the Reg for that matter). The more they fight to feed this rubbish to my screen, the more I will ensure it is blocked.
A simple message for all the ad mongers to understand, they should be getting it by now surely....
"Offensive security research, even among white-hat hackers, has helped the community to 'think like attackers' and enhance defensive technologies. However, this research comes at a significant cost and there are new arguments emerging that the work of the benevolent security research community is driving down the cost and complexities of attacks against computer networks.
There is a growing sentiment that the intellectual pursuit of exploiting software vulnerabilities and defeating mitigations is simply providing a roadmap for the bad guys to break into computer systems. " - Virus Bulletin.com
Sorry if I am being too literal. Feeling a wee bit Vulcan today.
ED 209 didn't have Azimov Circuits either.
During the Second World War, Russia experimented with training dogs to run under German tanks with anti tank mines strapped to them. The project was abandoned when it was found that the dogs were as likely to run under a Russian tank as a German one.
A Bombot is a scarily more efficient invention. https://xkcd.com/1613/
Azimov Circuits for all civilised robots please.
Sounds like you may be using compatibility mode drivers somewhere in there. A pair of online gaming friends upgraded to Win10, then had horrendous lag, stuttering and crashes until they discovered that Win10 was using Win8.1 drivers in compatibility mode for their network cards. Win10 ones don't exist for their specific cards.
Just an idea mind, speculation only.
I think Facebook should make the killer app for Oculus. Not sure what or how, but if you buy someone else's dream, you should have a damn good reason for doing so.
If Google had bought it and welded it to an updating Google Earth VRsim you could walk around, that could turn into a killer app, especially if you could take VR trips round the world with friends and make it back in time for the pub.
Just an idea mind.
I'm a GiffGaff customer also, I'm fine with O2 being a different entity to 3.
In the past, everytime my broadband ISP has been merged with another service, it has deteriorated in service and added complexity or expense or both.
Merger timeline: Toucan > Tiscali > Pipex > TalkTalk, bugger this, off to BT Infinity.
This experience may have coloured my judgement on mobile contracts too:
I moved from T-Mobile to GiffGaff when EE turned up and wanted to muck my PAYG phone account about.
Thanks Raf,
The link to the action pack claims to give 10 Enterprise upgrades amongst other things for £310.
Assuming you have to buy 10 Pro licenses to upgrade to Enterprise, that makes £186 each I reckon.
Thanks for a clear and concise answer m8y!
Originally signed up with Toucan in 2000, Toucan got swallowed by Tiscali, who then shoved me into Pipex, who were then bought out by Talk Talk. Toucan were ok, Tiscali bad, Pipex worse and by the time Talk Talk were finished with their transfer debacle, I had given up and jumped ship back to BT in 2012.
Infinity1 makes all of them look very pants indeed.
I think the first mistake was not starting with the Azimov Circuits.
3 Laws and a conundrum:
"How do you decide what is injurious, or not injurious, to humanity as a whole?" "Precisely, sir," said Daneel. "In theory, the Zeroth Law was the answer to our problems. In practice, we could never decide. A human being is a concrete object. Injury to a person can be estimated and judged. Humanity is an abstraction."