Off track
Impression gleaned from article is a patch for Shockwave plugin, not Flash. Entirely different beast.
17 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2009
The comments that strike me as most cogent are those semi-apologetic (facing down the stuffy troll hoard) positive appraisals that call it mindless good fun. They don't serve tea on roller coasters. That does not diminish - or have anything to do with - their entertainment value.
Replaced all CFLs in cool basement because of the annoyance of waiting 5 minutes every time for the things to provide enough light to work with. LEDs provide immediate and very satisfactory light. Very happy. I now rather wonder if the CFLs I'd been using (standard Home Depot) are somehow different than those used by all these commenters.
Most of the effort to this end is being expended ensuring only well-funded mainstream ideas are in the running for this elusive prize. Of course Nature has proven annoyingly independent, generally refusing throughout human history to submit to the will of establishment figures hell bent on seeing their notions proven correct, and their renown/funding validated. So if Nature's notion of a true Theory of Everything requires there be some paradigm/funding shattering, expect none. Expect instead what we have had for the last half century: all provable advance made primarily using the tools developed in the first half of the 20th century. In the new physics building at a local university there are a number of famous equations etched into the walls. The newest of them is 80 years old. QED
Yes, pressing the brake pedal (aerosol emissions) will have an effect on a car's speed, even if done while the accelerator pedal (greenhouse gas emissions) is pushed to the floor. But please, let's tinker with our environment - anything to prevent the rich, powerful and culpable from needing to rethink how they can retain their wealth and power.