* Posts by Loran Nass

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2009

Spies hacked US electrical grid, says WSJ

Loran Nass

@ Do unto others

@ Do unto others

Nice. So this is the way our "allies" back us up.

Mouth off about the US all you want, Michael; I notice you're doing in English, not German.

I also notice your icon choice is decidely American-heavy. Isn't this a Brit rag? Where are your famous people's icons?

oh right...

Can't get a job? Try plastic surgery

Loran Nass

The real laugh

The real laugh I'm having is how concerned you people all are about what the people in the US are doing. You all seem to be very emotionally involved with what regular Americans are up to and about. Don't you have something -anything- on your tiny, rejected, tooth decaying, has-been island to concern yourselves with? Or is "nuking the US citizens" your absolute best fantasy? It's a bit unnerving how obsessive some of you seem about us over here.

Do you have any idea how much of our time over here is wasted to thinking about you and your daily lives? None. That's right; none. You're simply not that important. Certainly not important enough to call for 'killing vast chunks of the UK population"; no matter how retarded or ignorant you display yourself.