Dear Witty
That should be "spelling\grammar"
202 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Apr 2009
just two minor, tiny points. Downloading copywritten material is not stealing, nor is it illegal.
Copying a CD is not the same as stealing one. If you steal it, there is lost revenuve plus the cost of buying replacement stock, by copying it the revenue is lost but there are replacement costs. The record labels probably prefer that people shop lift rather than copy, as they take thier cut out of the wholesale price when shops order stuff.
Also it's not a criminal matter but a civil offence, so it would be unlawful and not illegal. Civil cases have lower burden's of proof ( guilt based 'on the balance of probablities' and not 'beyond reasonable doubt') and lower penalties to along with it. The record companies want the to keep the civil burden of proof but impose criminal penalties.
The judge in the $67,500 torrenting fine knew the difference http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/10/p2p_damages_reduced/
as did the Dark Lord Peter Mandelson, when he was pushing the Digital Economy bill through.
Oh no they aren't. NI , PAYE & Council Tax are ostensibly there to keep the lights on and provide the basic normal stuff we expect from the Government. The duties and booze, fags, luxury foods & fuel are as much social engineering as revenue raising, these things are bad for you\others therefore we'll make you think twice about buying them by artifically jacking the price up. The ISP levy is a social engineering charge which goes to the music companies and not the Government, well except for the VAT that'll be put on it.
I will put my hands up to being the occasional freetard, but with an ISP levy I'll be subsidising the more frequent freetards which isn't right. Also the non-freetards will be subsidising me, for something they never do, which is bang out of order.
The idea of giving a license to an ISP is good but needs a few changes. The license needs extending beyond just music to include films,tv, books etc. The pricing needs to be looked at closely as the ISP's will still be competing with free "services" whilst the production\distribution costs of the copyright holder are going to be zero. Price it too high, no-one uses the service and the copyright holders turn around with the "all freetards are thieves" canard, to demand shutting down the internet.
And why the horsemen? Well I'm agreeing with Andrew about something, so the Apocalyse can't be far behind.
King Canute was a very sensible, pious and humble ruler who was surrounded by sychophants and toadies who claimed he could do anything. To prove these half-wits wrong he went down to the beach and then got a bit wet to demonstrate that he wasn't more powerful than the seas or God that commanded them.
St Steve is surrounded by the sychophants and toadies (customers) but lacks piety, humility or any common sense by the look s of it.
Go to make the complex pen holding gesture, only to find the reference version of the complex pen holding gesture is either missing from a new card or is very badly faded and useless for varification. The owner of the card then fills in the reference copy of the complex pen holding gesture and hands it over to the sales assistant who compares the reference and "actual" complex pen holding gestures, sees that they are identical and lets the transaction go through.
And that never happened to me twice.
Steve 1: We just got the first batch of iPhone 4's delivered.
Steve 2: Just a minor problem, they stop working when you pick them up. So we'll have to send them all back redesign the hardware and wait for new batch before sending them out to masses.
Steve 1: Hey look! I put this rubber band on the bottom and it started working again.
Steve 2: Quick, buy a shed load of rubber bands. If we put them in some nice packaging, call them er...
Steve 1: Bumpers?
Steve 2: yeah, bumpers. We can charge $20 a pop, think of the profit.
St. Steve: Well done my young acolytes. And as a reward you may each take one iPhone 4. But you'll have to buy your own bumpers.
In 1974 military commamders from both sides ran war games following the planned 1940 invasion of Britian (Operation Sealion). The war games came to the conclusion that whilst German troops would have landed, the supply lines would have within days forcing the invaders to surrender within a few weeks.
Then the net should go wider than just the iPlatform advertising. If you were looking at a choice between two online ad companies, one that covered 90% of the population and one that covered 100% with the extra 10% being technology magpies with more money than sense. Then using the company with 100% coverage makes more sense and will have an impact far wider than companies not being able to advertise inside a small walled garden.
where they make use of any tech that doesn't allow government snooping, as if you are hiding anything from the powers that be you are obviously a terrorist or a peado or maybe both.
Although you do have to admire the symetery of the whole thing, it'll turn a nation founded by convicts back into a nation of convicts.
Not reporting serious criminal actions can land you in a whole world of hurt. As Manning was in the process if outing himself as the leaker it would of lead to the inevitable FBI etc investigations and the e-mail trail to your front door, at which point you are looking at being charged as being an accomplace to offences that carry some serious jail time. If Manning was being incredibly stupid by exposing himself as the leaker, then it's his ship if he wants to go down with it fine, but I'm not going with him.
Dear Banks,
a few years ago you all lent far too much money to far too many people creating an unsustainable debt fuelled ecomony which brought the global economy to it's knees. This was bad and you should sit on the naughty step for a very long time, and stop doing all the things that brought about the financial crisis, like loaning out too much cash.
Also whilst you being more fiscally prudent with all of the money we handed over to stop the collapse of the world economy, could you loan more money to people and business.... oh, wait!