These are students paying £9,000 per year for the benefit of studying at that University, right?
6 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Apr 2009
Detractors of push notifications in this thread seem to suggest they're devoid of major benefit. I'd like to propose a benefit, and since I've never used an iPad, I welcome corrections if I'm wrong.
Suppose we have an authoring tool for a web app. ('Google docs' is the best known example.) Today on iOS you can already use Google Drive and save files off-line, even on iOS.
But using Push notifications, your saved files should be able to sync with the server automatically when network access is recovered, even if you've left the website and even if you've closed the browser by that time. Isn't that right... and damned useful?
- The reason I didn't sign-up to the Kick-Starter campaign is that the Kick-Starter Terms & Conditions said I'd lose 10% of my investment if the campaign failed and I was refunded.
- I've been looking forward to Ubuntu Mobile for years, but I still won't join in if manufacturers lock root and void warranties for breaking root access.
- And there's one more big thing I'll miss if I become the last person in the world to switch to any form of smartphone... the 9-day battery life of my current phone. I guess I will give-in on that point, but... it's a wrench.
I'm not convinced that users would be breaking any law, because unless the law changed while I wasn't looking, it covers appliances capable of receiving a TV signal (working or broken) within a property. A wireless signal is not a TV signal.
If it were classed as a TV signal, then by the same rationale:
- Having any equipment capable of receiving a signal (working or broken) in the house, whatever it was used for, would require a TV license.
- I don't think there would be any cover for travelling, because as far as I remember this only covers black & white battery powered, small-screen TVs.
Anyway, I've seen webcasting of TV programmes as a potential licensing issue since it first started.