* Posts by Matt B

15 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Apr 2009

Vodafone moves 360 goalposts

Matt B

Get lost Bloadafone

>at least they are communicating with their customers

It took them a month and about 1000 posts before they listened to their Samsung Galaxy S customers and still we have no concrete reassurance that we can get a a junk free firmware update from Vodafone. Another group of phone customers (I forget which handset) went through the same BS and eventually got 360 removed but it took them a long time for this to happen. It simply isn't good enough and I will not be renewing my contract with Vodafone...

See below for more details on Galaxy S customer views on the 360 apps:


McAfee false positive bricks enterprise PCs worldwide

Matt B


Looks like tomorrow could be a fun day at work! Lets hope my AV server has some how managed to not download this update and fire it around the network.

Where's my hip flask...

Snow Leopard arrives with meow, not a roar

Matt B

Apple / fanboys make me sick

"And upon exiting, each purchaser was sent off with a hearty "Congratulations!" from a smiling Apple ambassador."

Congratulations for what? Joining or staying in their retarded, ignorant and very annoying cult?

Flames because it seems to be what a lot of their products are doing at the moment.

Microsoft releases Windows 7 to MSDN, TechNet today

Matt B
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It's on technet now! Time to upgrade my PC and laptop over Friday and Saturday.

AVG update gags iTunes

Matt B
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This is yet another reason why I have stopped recommending AVG to people. The program for me is way too bloated with crapware and now instead suggest people use Avira's Antivirus for freetards or ESET's NOD32 / Smart Security suites for paytards.

Opera slams Microsoft's Windows 7 E move - again

Matt B

STFU Opera

1) Why should MS remove their own software from their OS AND THEN provide ways to download competing browsers?

2) Who the fcuk uses Opera? NO REALLY? I'm sure Chrome has more users than that pile of sh1t and not many people (compared to FF / IE) use that browser.

3) Will Opera give lusers download links to FF / IE / Chrome et al to provide fair competition?

No, no they won't. STFU Opera you WORTHLESS FKERS. When you make a decent product, then feel free to whine about something, but until then, return to your shitty hole and CURL UP AND DIE.

Why can't the stupid EU open their eyes and see that this whole situation is FUCKING RETARDED AND TELL OPERA TO keep developing their "internet changing browser" or whatever the tw4ts said (I don't care don't correct me.)

GOD THIS WHOLE SITUATION PI$$ES ME OFF MAKES ME HATE (LIVING IN) THE EU MORE THAN I ALREADY DO. IS THIS REALLY GOING TO GET MORE PEOPLE TO INSTALL THEIR SH1TTY BROWSER? NO. Everyone is going to stick with something they are familiar with. EG IE or FF not fking opera, which really is a terrible browser.

STFU Opera and kthxbi

BOFH: A spot of bother

Matt B


Had me laughing all the way through (again)! Thanks Simon!

Amiga Forever updated for Windows 7

Matt B

Haha great picture

Like with all Linux lusers, is it a compulsory requirement to have a neckbeard and own an Amiga?

Feds: Hospital hacker's 'massive' DDoS averted

Matt B

The the idiotic post of the day goes to...

@ AC 1st July 2009 22:59 GMT

"No - it shows how dangerous an unsecurable operating system can be."


No OS is secure if you have physical access to it even if the machine runs a linux distro or is a Mac...

Dell accidentally sells 140,000 monitors for $15 a pop

Matt B

When will they learn...?

Dell also recently cocked-up by selling CAD graphics cards for something like £15 when they should have been £2-3k+, however I think they realised what was going on and cancelled all orders.

HP Ireland asks staff to vote for pay cut

Matt B

Bah 5% pay cut??

At least you guys at HP will still have a reasonably paid job.

I've been forced to take a 40% pay cut or be made redundant. The only plus side of this is that it starts September 1st and not when I was told in April. Needless to say I've accepted the cut but am desperately looking for a new job.

Only an idiot would refuse a 5% pay cut in the current economic climate...

BNP DDoS 'mega-assault' not actually mega in the least

Matt B
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Hahaha hahaha hahahaha

I cannot stop laughing! How effing stupid are they going to look now?!

Microsoft squirts out Vista SP2

Matt B
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Doesn't work with Nod32's ESS 4 x64 real time security. Lets hope my system restore point works OK.

Swine flu apocalypse: Batten down the hatches

Matt B
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...I needed a good laugh after last week's shit-storm at work!

Students Union reps vote to ban cheap booze for students

Matt B
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Nice to see an excellent post from someone who is representing down-to-earth, normal, hard working, sensible, law abiding, tax paying, normal, hard working, honourable, decent, reasonable people - British people!!