wake up
Kebabbert.......you obviously do not understand computer architecture.
The notion that all that matters is the cpu is myopic. The mainframe is the perfect example of a system of CPU chips / cache chips / I/O subsystem chips / service processor chips / etc.....it is not about a single chip.
As far as the T goes...yes it is good for WebLogic but sucks for the rest of Oracle's "data intensive" products.
The SPARC64 is dead and Oracle has to do something to keep those Sun customers paying thru the nose for SPARC maintenance. And who cares about poor core performance as long as all the profit is based on core licensing.
They cannot clock chips to 5GHz without major problems. The chips are made in China then shipped to Mexico and have a huge dead on arrival percentage. Unfortunately for Oracle they are still paying for the mistakes Sun make during the last 10 years. KKR forced mfg to Mexico and TI refused to keep up on the fab technology because DLP does not benefit from lower nm's .
Only time will tell if this 4 year old core baked on the Chinese fab then assembled in Mexico with an aggressive clock speed will bring us back to the SPARCIII eCache memory reliability again.
Keep stressing how the T chip saved Sun an they are the leaders though. We just got two PS3's another xbox for kinect....so two more cell chips and another power chip at the house this Christmas. I hear my BMW has a bunch of Power chips also, but that is just rumor. Maybe Larry's next project could be going to Mars, since IBM has 100% market share there with Power chips.