Well duhhh
ATI has ALWAYS been problematic.
Why the heck do you think they got bought out by AMD?
Wasn't because they "perform better" that's for sure!
Maybe ATI should get off there rump and fix there bloody hardware/drivers for a change.
47 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007
Im sorry... but the odds of finding a windows machine that actually comes with anything decent as far as programs or software is the likely hood you will NOT get infected with a virus in the first 10 minutes of being out of the box.
"Word" and Excel" are a part of the office suite which cost anywhere from 150 to 300 US Dollars.
People who whine about the price of the Mac should realize that they come with iLife '09 and for a scant 49 bucks you get iWork '09.
That's a fact... not a joke... top that off with Apple Mail.... and other useful applications which make windows look like trash.
If you don't like some of the apps you can actually <gasp> remove them and get your own.
Try doing that in windows.... yeah.. right.
El Reg should stop circling the Apple and start circling Microsoft as there caracass of an operating system starts to rot.
PS: NO apple is not perfect.... but this article is bullcrap. If your that picky... go build a bloody hackintosh and sahdup.
If people fall for a stupid phising email or some ones stupid little offer and don't have the brains or common sense to realize its a fraud.... they deserve to lose everything they got.
I swear... 99% of the crap I get has IP address's in place of domain names.
Thats a dead give away!!!
Never go to an raw IP address.... no one uses public websites that way.... even then...
Take the monster jobs incident... emails show up and ask for bank account information.
Who the frik would wana do that?
If people don't have brains enough to think things through... can't blame the game developers or programmers for being a brain dead end user.
A lot of what takes place can be solved by simple common sense.
Like never using IE ever again. (Unless you need it for windows updates HAHAH)
The good ol days when people came up with new ways of doing things and new ideas.
Now they say HEY THATS MY IDEA!
Every time I hear that... I think they are:
Greedy and brain dead....
Ok.. a few cases are valid arguments.... but even then... too frequent this is the trend thats set for the industry.
I'm slightly wise to DB's... call me foolish.... but for some reason i seriously doubt any SOF would be THAT stupid to use his or her own name.
I mean...thats like walking into a room with a bullseye painted on your forehead.
Sorry.... this smells of wikipedia-istic government tactics.
Either that or a publicity stunt... "saying ouuu look what we did... we did a good thing..yes?"
myspace.com.. most ad riddened and trash infested domain on the entierity of the net..well one of them.
Wish people would get this worked up over a windows flaw.
So it took them 215 hours did it?
Thats 2 to 3 weeks right there.
Why am I not impressed? Because that sounds like they have no life... no girlfriend.. no job... no nothing.
What do I see? A total waste of time and good writing.
<yawns> If people are so obsessed in ruining an apple product..they shouldn't rely on total idiots to cause the infection to be possible.
After all.. it "Does" require a user to visit a malicously coded site dosen't?
Talk about stuipdity from the get go....
Wana impress me? How about bypassing user interaction all together! Now your talking.
Otherwise... I really wish people would just shut up... who gives a flying rip about this stuff... ill even bet its not an root level attack.. total.. waste... of.. time!
Like the guy who walks into a resturant to rob them only to find its full of cops who happen to enjoy the food there....
Foolishness abounds.
My favorite one however is when a bank robber shows up at a bank and says "Freeze! I'm robbing the place" or something to that effect only to find out 99% of the people in that bank are armed...
The bank was in Texas.
Once again... the almighty Microshaft brings about more trash to the world..
Not so good that firefox did that either.... but thats secondary.
IE is to blame first and foremost because it's the "weakest link".
Honestly... to blame firefox means you need to blame the entire operating system for letting it happen.. not to mention the winblows firewall...err... wait a second.. i already do... never mind.
Why is it every time there's a mac post... you windows morons have to flout your anti-mac-isms like complete morons?
I mean... try to have someone constructive in your hatered for once!
As for the article... I think the key point here has already been made.. turn off auto sync..and use playlists.... DUH
everyone knows that!
For every PS3 they manufacture... they lose money...
Headliner is a bit deceptive.... all i see is the continual downward trend of PS3 sales slowing up... not a narrowing in the gap.
Talk about warped prespectives.
I do concure with the PS2 comments.... def. a major issue here.
Funny how XBox didn't get much of a peep from you lot... lol. Won't know much until Halo 3 comes out anyway.....
1: The truth really hurts don't it?
2: When that fancy litle contest revealed that a hacker can break into a mac was revealed... a couple of things stood out.
a: It took him 48 hours to just find the stupid thing.
b: It let loose a tusnami of seucirty breeches for the windows platform..nevermind the single braek in on the mac side.
Conclusion: People who say windows is more secure...are screwed. Not to mention stupid.
Macs aren't perfect either..but i'd rather sit on that side of the fence until such time.... Linux rules either way.
I hear all these excuses....
Sony has a lack of games... Sony needs to lower their prices...
Its neither.
The problem is Sony should have never have done this in the first place.
For every one of their PS3's they manufactuer... they loose a few hundred in costs. In other words.... to lower the price is to loose even more money!
Nintendo soars in sales not due to popularity..but due to the fact they make about 80 bucks back give or take on manufacturering costs.... so they have actual revenue.
I'm sure games have some affect on this market as well.. I won't deny that... but the true cause is one that most people don't take into account.
Sony losing a ton of money on the PS3.... so much so that it killed their profit margin.
I seriosuly doubt they will have any way to recover from it just by lowering prices... let alone making more games! For all I know.... that market will drop into Nintendo's lap.
Benchmarks can be bribed/bought off, and messed with to screw results.
Thats prob. why they avoid them.... the Micro$haft empire has more cash than MySQL ever had.
I also never heard or seen of such reports of the MySQL db being that slow... odds are they didn't design the system propperly. You'd be surprised how a DB design can slow your system down big time... and have nothing to do with the engine itself... it could also be the hardware... or the internet connection.
Too many variables to list.
With the control you have in Linux/Unix systems... ill stick with MySQL...
Can't get that kind of control in windoze.
Apple sells 1 million of those ipods per week if not per month.
Talk about a total waste of time and effort.
Besides.... why would I Wan't to buy something that means...err...well..
My challenge to the masses is that you look up "zune" in other languages.
You WILL get a nice little shocker.
Because the register seems to attract alot of really dumb comments.
First off this whole thing has been in developement as far as I know for the last several years plus.
Secondly... this has nothing to do with the movies.
Thirdly... If it was a museum on evolution... you wouldn't be posting that dribble of a comment(s).
I swear...you only make yourselves look stupid! Try commenting with brains for a change! I sure hope this isn't the face of today's IT industry.... because if it is.. im likely to change careers.
The issue here is the people sorry enough to use Norton for security.
Active X has been an issue sense its creation.... funny... I don't hear of these issues for Zone Alarm...and/or CA's firewalls.
I seem to recall something like this happening in the past with Norton's products.
: O /
Ah yes.... Halo 3..... halo... the series.... truely a great game....but once it passes... it will be like a sunset.... no more catchy titles.... why bother with the xbox at that point?
Oh wait.. did I just say that outloud? Seriously... the last comment by Luca sums it up... I hear that statement all over the place... the only reason anyone will buy an Xbox is for Halo. M$ better find a solution to that problem.. or they will get stomped by someone else... if not already. I'm not sure if I want to spend the few hundred for one single game.... I'll hold out for a PC version.... : O P
Worlds largest virus/spyware/malware propogating email server on the planet....
Along with the fact they have been hacked into how many times?
Fortinatley I've not seen much in the way of hotmail trash
Oh wait... most Admins I know bann "hotmail" before it even gets there... that would be why.
If you need a free email service.... at least go somewhere like Gmail or Yahoo <yeah its not as great as gmail but its better than hotmail>.
The day M$ becomes standards compliant is the day they go out of business.
M$ never follows standards unless they are sued to do so.... or forced by some other chaotic situation...
They make the standards.
If they where wanting to make a standards compliant browser they would have it done within the year... they got more money than any other company out there in their line of work.
So what the heck is the problem I ask?
They didn't finish Vista afterall! Or XP... etc...