RE: Bloody Ignorance
"After all, we're living within line-of-sight of a functioning nuclear fusion reactor"
Has the NIF or ITER made progress that we are unaware of?
42 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007
What's wrong with you lot, and where is your sense of adventure?
Did you not hear the man? "We will learn how we can live on another world."
We can't send robots to do that!
If as a species we want to continue living with our advanced knowledge and technology then we'd better get packing off to another planet. One with more resources and less the boneheads that we keep alive here.
If you personally don't agree with the risks and think robots should go in your place etc, then simple: don't become a Cosmonaut. For the people that do I imagine it's their dream come true.
I for one think we should be ploughing ten times the effort into populating another planet.
So ner
To be honest I haven't had many problems with Vista. It seems people forgot all those glitches we had with XP and therefore claim it's better, but I seem to remember more problems rolling up to XP than I've had so far with Vista.
My only personal problem with it is the ridiculous hard drive access. I can leave my desktop on for days and it will still be grinding at the disks, even after turning off indexing etc. What could any OS possibly need to be doing after being left alone for a few days? I can't see any of our Vista laptop drives lasting long that's for sure.
I'm afraid I have to agree. We run a small design team here, six users all running CS2, and I have to say it is honestly the worst software I have experienced when it comes to bugs.
It would be almost bearable if they used proper error messages, but 'An unknown error has occured' is now printed on the inside of my eyelids when I try and sleep.
Now they all want shiny new CS3 at whatever number of limbs that costs.
Yeah right!
Are you taking the piss??
My 8MB connection wouldn't stream youtube videos at 10 in the morning, let alone anything in the evening, and the exchange is practically next door! Their customer service gimps gave me the old 'must be your non-virgin router configuration' or perhaps my quad core gaming monster wasn't fast enough to browse some pissy web pages. Idiots.
Switched to BT and all is fine, all the same gear and wiring my end.
Not sure why you were lumbered with that mate or what other insurance they do, but the paying up of the rest of the contract and keeping the phone was an advertised feature of the insurance. I did it twice!
Other providers make you pay up the remainding months or ask for the phone back as part payment, the CPW insurance kind of insures against the loss of remaining subscription, allowing you to keep the phone.
This was about 4-5 years ago, but my brother got fed up with his 18 month samsung contract and did the same. It's sat in his drawer now.
If I remember correctly, the Carphone insurance has a nifty benefit in that they will pay the remainder of your contract off if you decide to cancel before the term is up, meaning you can keep your subsidised handset.
I did this twice and my brother did once recently, keeping his samsung after a few months and walking away from the remaining contract. Considering their insurance is what, 4.99 a month last time I looked, this might be a good deal for the iphone, if they haven't fiddled the small print that is.
Ultimately the people who actually buy/sign up for this crap are the ones to blame.
Some dickhead is buying penis pills / cheap watches / penny stock etc etc or they wouldn't bother spamming. Who and where are you!!!!! You are the reason we have to put up with this crap!
So now we'll have a different card for mobiles by the look of that list.
What use is it to me if all mobiles take the same card, that doesn't fit in my laptop/pc/camera? I've only got one mobile!
And what the hell are sony up to? Stupid memory stick. People at work with Sony laptops keep complaining how they've got a card reader in their vaio etc. but can't use it for anything!
I join the SD/CF group!
This story really infuriated me! What a bunch of narrow minded stuck up old farts.
Not content with holding back scientific knowledge and causing wars and terrorism, religion is now threatening 'Thursday night belly dancing lessons' at the village hall.
Yet more proof that all religion should be banned.
Bugger all of our road tax goes back into road and public transport maintenance, so why should we pay any more?
And increasing it or paying per mile won't suddenly make us all trade up for Smart cars, it just means we will all have to pay more to drive and sacrifice other things.
This is what always happens.
The people that make the rules get to keep their jags, the eco-heads ride pogo sticks anyway, and the rest of us 'normals' have to go the pub less, or delay that new telly puchase so we can afford to drive our average cars.
"In short, the BBFC believes it's not worth risking the game falling into the hands of kids"
There you go, the same old story.
I can't believe we haven't banned kitchen knives, in case a child gets hold of one. Or cars, just in case someone's underage kid gets hold of the keys and takes one out for a drive.
I've been thinking about a way to curb spam once and for all, surely it could be this easy:
Residential ISP's should simply block clients from connecting to any address on port 25, except their own SMTP server.
Instantly stopping any botnet from being able to send out.
Why are you commies talking about road pricing as if it's a good thing?
This is how it always happens. The government devises some crackpot spooking scheme that noone agrees with, and there is uproar, petitions etc and the government falls back and says "we're not actually going to do it, we're just looking at different options"
Next thing you know the press is putting good words out about it and brainwashing the public into thinking it was always a good idea, talking about it as if noone ever objected to it. We could count on you guys to maintain scepticism and continue to rubbish idiotic plans like this.
We all know how much the unclued general public is affected by the wording of stories in the media. Are you lot now under control too?
Yes why not dedicate a whole lane to buses? You're right they are much more efficient, I see them all the time on the M4 literally packed with 3 people, belching out smoke as they force their brick-like shape through the air.
If I caught one of these enviromental beauties to work, it would only take 2.5 hours instead of 25 minutes. And I would only have to change twice. Bliss!
Sorry guys but their is only one way forward. How do you get more water through the same diameter pipe?