* Posts by Cheeky Chappie

12 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2009

Microsoft makes good with a 23-fix Patch Tuesday

Cheeky Chappie


Thank God I've retired and all I have to worry about is my own machine

BOFH: The Cloud Committee Calamity

Cheeky Chappie

Just a cotton pickin' minute!

They're called German Shepherds not alsations!

Oh God i'm glad I've retired

BOFH: Licence to grill ... stupid users

Cheeky Chappie

Funny but......

Isn't this just a rehash of last weeks episode?

BOFH: Who's been naughty and who's been nice?

Cheeky Chappie

Almost makes me regret.....

being retired and missing the joys of the lusers - ALMOST!

'Phantom Eye' hydrogen strato-spy drone starts building

Cheeky Chappie

Hydrogen engine?

If 'they' have produced a viable hydrogen engine, how come it hasn't been fitted to normal cars then? Oh of course, silly me, petrol is far more expensive than mere hydrogen that is more freely available, as well with a really noxious substance called water as a byproduct not that nice carbon monoxide stuff that's so good for our lungs.

Or am I missing something? OK flame away

BOFH: The PFY Chronicles part 2

Cheeky Chappie

Is he still sbout?

AHA! I smell Simon!(or stale lager, not sure which - yet)

Airport scanner staff object to vetting

Cheeky Chappie
Big Brother

Back in the late 90's.......

I worked at Heathrow in airline security, we routinely searched bags taken at random. some of these belonged to young ladies - there is no difference(from a sexual point of view) between rifling through someones underwear and viewing an image on screen, we were looking for dangerous items(to the aircraft) what was in the case wasn't interesting. The same would apply to the image.

With hindsight, what now worried me is the amount of muslim asians that are employed in this field, please don't mis-understand, the old cliche applies, not all muslims are terrorists but it does appear that all terrorists are or claim to be muslim.

Also I WAS vetted and received a certificate that was recognized by other security firms and airlines.

Kent Police exceeded powers in too-tall photographer case

Cheeky Chappie
Big Brother

Just seen it

I've just watched this film, and it was frightening just how much the Los Angeles police could get away with.

I know that this - true - story took place in the '30s but even so, it doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch for something similar happening here

Activision leaps into Modern Warfare 2 sales figure fight

Cheeky Chappie

MW2? No thanks

I canceled my pre-order as soon as I found out that there were no dedicated servers which is shame as I was really looking forward to it. I've ordered HOMEFRONT instead, I believe it's due out in March

Virgin Media 'overwhelmed' by broadband customers fleeing BT

Cheeky Chappie
Thumb Up


I've been with VM since the old Telewest days, and can honestly say I've never had a problem.

On my return from holiday I found that my old Surfboard modem had died, 48 hours later I had a new modem.

BOFH: Defiling the profile

Cheeky Chappie

Keep 'em coming - pleeeeze!

This one REALLY had me chuckling. Maybe a follow up when the Boss and IT director meet?

Battlestar Galactica eyes 'technology run amok'

Cheeky Chappie

And so say we all

'Nuff said