Thank God I've retired and all I have to worry about is my own machine
12 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2009
If 'they' have produced a viable hydrogen engine, how come it hasn't been fitted to normal cars then? Oh of course, silly me, petrol is far more expensive than mere hydrogen that is more freely available, as well with a really noxious substance called water as a byproduct not that nice carbon monoxide stuff that's so good for our lungs.
Or am I missing something? OK flame away
I worked at Heathrow in airline security, we routinely searched bags taken at random. some of these belonged to young ladies - there is no difference(from a sexual point of view) between rifling through someones underwear and viewing an image on screen, we were looking for dangerous items(to the aircraft) what was in the case wasn't interesting. The same would apply to the image.
With hindsight, what now worried me is the amount of muslim asians that are employed in this field, please don't mis-understand, the old cliche applies, not all muslims are terrorists but it does appear that all terrorists are or claim to be muslim.
Also I WAS vetted and received a certificate that was recognized by other security firms and airlines.