Javascript != Java.
Ex Pat wrote:
well, clearly it is about time to dump javascript because it is so rubbish. it is a dreadful thing that is slow, unreliable and cumbersome. and to make it worse, Sun's JVM is bloated and slows the machine down even further.
It's 2007, and people are *still* confusing Javascript with Java. I won't argue that Java *applets* pretty much suck balls, but Java*script* is an entirely different technology. I'd offer an explanation, but I honestly doubt it'd be grasped by those getting it wrong in the first place.
Oh, and Ex Pat: "ridiculous linux"? You mean the platform that powers so many web servers across the world? Including - oh my - The Register itself:
Server: Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux)
You *might* wanna consider a bit of research before shooting off at the mouth. It might just help you look a little *less* dim.