* Posts by Nik Owen

8 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Mar 2009

PC tune-up software: does it really work?

Nik Owen

Windows 7

My Windows 7 (64 bit) boots in less than 30 seconds to password screen, SWMBO laptop takes about 2 minutes on Vista 32 bit (until later this month then it's getting the 64 bit windows 7)

I have never tried to make it any quicker other than taking the crap out of the startup. Turn it on, make a coffee and then return and it works fine.

Windows 7 OEM prices revealed

Nik Owen
Paris Hilton

why pay this much?

If people just pre ordered it, here in the UK it was even cheaper. I paid £49 for home premium and £30 for Pro 64bit (student copy).

One for the laptop and one for my PC. first time i have ever bought any OS. always OEM or Beta.

I just hope that the 64 bit now reads my ram properly, the W7RC 64 bit doesn't

Paris.. because like windows she is full of holes!

Opera lobby dubs IE ballot screen 'threatening and confusing'

Nik Owen
Gates Halo


Microsoft offered... In fact threatened to ship W7 (E) with no browser and a warning that no browser will be included on W7. therefore making the average jo pc user blaming microsoft for no being able to access the internet. I would imagine that they would give you a freee copy of IE8 on a seperate disc to install.

Someone must have had a quiet word with MS and said, you can't do that, it just makes the EU look silly (who would have thought that?) so instead it is offering users to install a different browser on its software, and then people question why there are so many security questions/popups? because MS would have to give technical support for those other browsers if it didn't.

Mines the £30 student version of W7.....

BlackBerry users left bereft of service

Nik Owen

And there was me blaming Orange

title says it all really.

Battery pull and it works for 10 mins or so, however won't pull emails

Now everybody is laughing at us with fancy phones that work like mobile offices and their £9.99 phone from asda does more than ours today.

Thank god my internet isn't with Oraqnge or I'd be bored and have to play solitaire at work.

mines the one with the useless BB in the pocket!

Orange data users turning red as data dries up

Nik Owen

I spoke too soon :-(

my BB had been working all morning, came out of a meeting and hey presto no data.

but one battery pull and it's back. very slow but back.

Nik Owen

And they were doing so well!

Having had my BB for 3 months things were going so well!

How we miss email on the way into work, but no annoying alerts filling the car this morning.

It'sd not as bad as the story reads, a quick reboot and all is back in the world of mobile office (alerts included) did someone put a few iPhones on the network?

32GB iPhone confirmed by T-Mobile?

Nik Owen
Paris Hilton

iPhone on Orange

Don't think T Mobile will touch it in the UK, I spoke to someone at Orange uk and the rumor is that they will have the next gen phones late October in time for Christmas. and there are rumors of network sharing with Vodafone to boost coverage.

Looks like i'll be saving my upgrade until then.

Paris! because the rumors are usually true!

Sky calls for access to cable network

Nik Owen

Sky want the earth

Like V media are going to allow that to happen after it has purchased all the companies that paid millions to lay the cables and ducts in the first place! perhaps sky would allow V Media to put another dish on their space dustbin to broadcast more channels.

Leave our BB alone, the customer service is c*ap but its quick and isn't throttled by heavy users .