The Price of FOSS...
... is having to retrain your staff to use different software. Only a fool would suggest a company has 'little to lose' when retooling.
22 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007
"... and censorship in Tunisia or the wider region would do a lot better to lend their support to Reporters Without Borders or the Open Net Initiative rather than download packet-flooding tools."
Downloading a packet-flooding tool requires much less effort than donating time to an org - it's a nice way for middle-class script kiddies to feel better about themselves whilst seeking 'the lulz'.
Just like armchair politicing on the intertubes is much easier than actually joining a political party and helping bring about real change.
Without TV license there would only be privately owned news interests. Insert obligatory Murdock reference here. Without recording car details how do you know who to charge for road tax? Should pedestrians pay for the roads car owns use? Without income tax there would be even less fairness in taxation of rich and poor.
Better use of resources and data (acquisition, usage and retention) are superior solutions. Less wastage, better value.
10/10 Nielson and Brucey! Bonus points to all the apologists condemning the 'knee-jerk' responses. Consider this - if someone has worked in IT with security or support for even a few years then do they not get to make a swift call on whether or not an idea that fundamentally alters security is good or bad?
If the Lesser Spotted NielBruce suggested, "Tell yer best mate yer passwords for usability so you don't have to get double-penetration-degredation for forgetting it," I would hope an equal amount of experienced IT staff would respond with a similar cramming.