* Posts by Kenny Millar

261 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007


NBC to Apple: 'You're fired!'

Kenny Millar

Cracks are signs of failure.

The reason large cracks have appeared, is because unlike Virgin and HMV, Apple actually play on the side of the consumer, rather than collaborating with the music industry to rip off the public.

It's about time we the public, along with Apple and others, stuck 2 fingers right up the **** of the music and video industry and tell them it should be a FAIR price for what we consume.

The music industry, and El Regs biased, opinionated hack, should shut up, wake up, and realise that if you are fair and honest and ask only a fair price for your wares then you will sell LOADS more and make more profit, which you should return to the industry to nurture new talent and keep the industry moving.

It is the music industires fecking relentless attempt to rip off the public that have slowed the whole thing down.

Weren't they listening to us in the 80's when we told them CDs were over priced? Did they not realise that as SOON as a viable alternative to paying over inflated prices was available we'd take it?

Caveat Vendor!

Sony bundles rootkit-like software on USB drive

Kenny Millar

Consultants - con and insult

This is what happens when a corporation like Sony hires consultants, rather than talking to the industry.

Security through obscurity - which this is - is no security at all.

They are pushing at us a security product, yet they are trying to hide from us the components of said product. Why should we trust our security to a company which itself cannot be trusted? If it COULD be trusted it would be using technologies which are open to scriutiny, not hidden by root kits.

'Microsoft' to compensate 419 victims

Kenny Millar

Succers x 2

So, if you were daft enough to get scammed in the first place, AND daft enough to fall for this scam you DESERVE to be scammed!

Might as well just get your salary paid to some bloke in Nigeria and cut out the middlemen.

Some Skypers get reconnected, but most still offline

Kenny Millar

This outage!

Michael, quit skype and re-start it, now you'll see what outage we are on about!

Google pressed to reveal AdWords secrets

Kenny Millar

I know which co. I'd choose now.

Is it just me?

If I were in the market for a 'sport court' - after reading this, I'd be calling up Rhino and not the other one!

They have well and truly shot thereself in the foot with this one.

Patientline results prompt share meltdown

Kenny Millar

Excuse me Mr Dillon Pyron

I think Dillon Pyron is forgetting something, we brits pay thousands of pounds every year on TOP of our taxes to pay for our health service, on top of that we still have to pay £6.65 for every line on a drugs prescription. Belive me - we MORE than pay for the service we get from our NHS.

Kenny Millar

Patientline incomming call scam.

What patientline won't tell you is that for someone to call into a patients phone, you have to listen to 90 seconds of slow spoken nonsense and adverts before it even attempts to dial the patients bedside phone. At 39p per minute thats just a blatent rip-off.

I have reported Patient line to ICSTIS and encourage others to do the same.

Kenny Millar

Patientline need admitted for shooting self in foot.

My wife was in a Glasgow hospital 2 years ago, and again last month.

The first time round, patientline was relatively cheap and so we used it well. We spent about £15 in one week on TV and outgoing calls - was probably about the same as we would have spent on mobile calls if they were allowed. However this time round we avoided using it at all due to the rip off costs for both outgoing and incomming calls. We bought a £5 tv card and that was that. They lost out on 66%.

Their new pricing structure is pure suicide. It really is a simple as that.

Apple's Safari 3: a crashing experience for non-US users

Kenny Millar

Get a grip on reality

Get a grip. I mean really.

This is no worse than any other beta - in fact compared to a certain redmond software company, the beta-3 of Safari is positively release candidate material.

And please remember, people who join beta programmes (which is exactly what you did when you downloaded the BETA) do so to help improve the product; to find and report bugs back to the developers and to generally imporve the user experience for others.

Exactly how does hanging out dirty linen help improve anything?

If you don't expect it to crash don't download a BETA version.

If you DO download a beta - then expect it to crash! But play your part and report the issues properly, not by airing them in public.

Kenny Millar

Thank goodness Gilbert Wham is not going to bother.

People like Gilbert Wham obvisoulsy don't understand what a beta is.

But then again, his system seems to be faulty anyway. His keyboard seems to type 0 instead of o (See his spelling of borked). Thank goodness people like him stay away from beta releases - he'd spend his entire time moaning instead of testing.

Ballmer: Apple's iPhone will be a niche player

Kenny Millar

It's time for iPhone

I have downloaded your iPhone kit and followed the instrcutions carefully, but I can't figure out how to change the time on the display. It seems to be stuck at 9:41. Do you have a downloadable instruction manual?
