* Posts by Kenny Millar

261 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007


O2 misses iPhone targets

Kenny Millar

Just waiting for iPhone 2

Next year, or possibly even this summer, Steve Jobs will give a keynote speech in which he first tells us how many iPhones have shipped, then admits that some parts of the package weren't that great and then reveals iPhone2 - with 3G, Pay as you go, flexible contract terms and a whole load more ram for iTunesy stuff.

So just as world+dog launches their 'iPhone Killer' Apple will launch the 'iPhone Killer Killer'.

I think the iPhone is a distinct example of deliberately holding features back for the 2nd generation. They knew exactly what they had to deliver and they did that. It's makes them look great when then release the 2nd gen iPhone.

All this from me, the worlds biggest mac head. And no, I don't have an iPhone. I may be a mac head, but I am not an idiot.

Former DEA agents sue over American Gangster

Kenny Millar

@Poor sods

What do you mean Santa Claus isn't real?

Japan to lose 20GB and 60GB PS3

Kenny Millar

The truth about backwards compatibility is...

...simply that people don't see the need to buy a PS3 because it doesn't offer any significant benefits. So do away with PS2 compatibility, means all new games will be PS3 since the developers won't develop for a non-current platform. So, no new games for PS2 means you have to go out and buy the PS3.

As for me, I go my PS2 on launch day, but I won't be getting a PS3 nor an X-Box since they are simply over priced for a man toy.

Parents to get classroom spynet in 2010

Kenny Millar

Correction. ENGLISH parents to get spynet. Not available in scotland.

Hello, remember us up north? Hello?

GPS is killing children

Kenny Millar

Kids. Tch.

There'sa fine balance between stupid kids and introuduced hazards.

My kid aint stupid - far from it, but I still worry about her getting knocked down in our residential street because off the assholes who drive far too fast. Probably they won't see her crossing the road because they are too busy looking at the satnav screen.

BitTorrenters seek sanctuary in Pirate Bay

Kenny Millar

Yes it is.

Downloading copyrighted material without paying the fee is thieft.

The orginal purchaser paid for the disc, then illegally made it available for file sharing.

If you then grab a copy of that file then you ARE committing a crime.

If you provide a service where people can find stolen goods for free collection then you are also comitting a crime.

Just because nothing 'physical' was taken doesn't mean it is not theft. It is. You got something for free which was not yours to take, so that makes it theft.

The mentally deficient people here are those that thinks it's ok to take something for free just because it's easy.

Kenny Millar
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So they don't host the data, thats not enough

So they can't be tried/convicted under one aspect of the law, I'm sure they can be tried and convicted for facilitating illegal file sharing. And so they should.

Just because the music / movie / software industry don't provide services at reasonable prices doesn't make it right to steal the products instead.

If you want something, then buy it. If you don't like the price then don't buy it. But don't steal it. If you do, then you deserve to burn in hell.

Vista sets 2007 land-speed record for copying and deleting

Kenny Millar

Macs are NOT 3 times the price

A Mac would be cheaper than a similarly spec'd dell. Thats a plain fact.

The 'Macs are more expensive' argument is just tripe spewed by people who repeat anything they hear, and have no capacity for working things out themselves.

As for mocking the Mac fan boys. Have you actually tried Mac OS X? If not then shut up and piss off because you do not know what you are talking about.

If you have not tried Mac OS then don;t mock it, it only embarasses you and exposes you as a simpleton.

Kenny Millar

"just 168Mb of pictures"

So just about 16 Megabytes of data then?

COME ON REG - you should know the difference between 'b' (bits) and 'B' (Bytes) by now.

Microsoft spits out final XP service pack, beta version

Kenny Millar

Before you strike out at me...

And before you even think about using Vista...

Let me implore you to spend a week playing with Mac OS X Leopard.

All of those of you who have just issued a huge groan - but who have never actually used Mac OS X - shut up and think about it.

Better performance, better security, better price.

Don't even THINK about posting a rebuttal to this till you've actually tried it - other wise you'll just be writing about something you know nothing about.

Virgin Media network collapses nationwide

Kenny Millar

re: DHCP

Nice one. You couldn't get any joy from the Virigin, so you went to bed with the wife instead - no wonder she took the hump!

Kenny Millar

Would this be the same Virgin...

...that is due to Give birth on the 25th? I thought I saw some wise men heading towards Bethlehem from the east?

Go easy on her, it can't be hard carrying the Son of God and trying to maintain the countries premiere ISP at the same time....

Flash-based iPlayer is go

Kenny Millar

Its very flawed

I clicked on 'last 7 days'

Then 'Thursday'

Then 'Egg Heads' and for some reason got an episode of Weakest link instead!

w00t voted 'Word of the Year'

Kenny Millar

You get what you expect with Americans

Since they can't even spell words like 'Colour' and 'Neighbour' properly, why should we expect anything more from them here?

Anyone who uses terms like 'leet', 'w00t' 'm8' or 'pwned' deserves to die horibly.

Oh, wait I just did....

US judge debenched for jailing entire courtroom

Kenny Millar

I don't see the problem here?

Anyone whose phone rings in public, and won't own up should be jailed anyway.

OFT goes Christmas shopping to test website compliance

Kenny Millar

@Loydie Loyd

You win a one way trip to miami!

Just call at the Miami tourist information desk at Miami Airport to collect your free ticket TO (but not from) Miami. If you are already in Miami at the time of collecting your prize, then your prize will be deemed to have been redeemed.

Kenny Millar

top 600?

Please can we see that list?

Who compiled the list of the top 600 sites?

Where can we get a copy of it?

Mio launches cheap-as-chips sat nav

Kenny Millar
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Not exactly cheap

£140 is not cheap for an 'entry level' satnav.

£99 would be good.

Mars Express circles planet 5,000 times

Kenny Millar

Maybe, just maybe

Maybe those 2km cliffs have their base at 1989m below sea level?

Charlie Sheen in upside-down iPhone outrage

Kenny Millar

While we're on the subject...

Can we also ban any corespondent that uses any of the following :

'ur' instead of 'your'

You're instead of 'your'

'2' instead of 'to' or 'too'

'm8' instead of 'mate'

'4' instead of 'four'

or anything with an ALL CAPS TITLE.

Wii regains US next-gen console arena leadership

Kenny Millar

WII is the ONLY next gen console

The Wii is the only next gen console out of the three, because it's the only one that has shifted away from 'more of the same but bigger/faster' and actually created a new way of doing things.

15 years ago: the first mass-produced GSM phone

Kenny Millar

AH yes, the day my life changed

I used to enjoy the 3.5 hour drive between our HQ in Glasgow, and branch office in Manchester, until the boss gave me a 1011 - then I was getting pestered every few minutes on the drive and I'd usually end up with a sore head all day!

Now I do have a mobile, but I don't give the number to anyone except my wife and daughter - well, I'm paying the bill therefore the phone is for my convenience, not the convenience of some random person who wants to call me!

iPhone auction fakes swindle the impatient

Kenny Millar

Why is it always Caveat Emptor, when it should be...


If someone is offering something for sale in the UK, then it's covered by the consumer protection act, and therefore anyone who's offering fake or non-existant items for sale or who is mis-advertising the items, should be prosecuted.

If more ebay scammers were found and prosecuted then maybe I'd start using ebay again.

It shouldn't have to be caveat emptor, it should be exterminate vendor!

Microsoft fires CIO for 'violation' of policy

Kenny Millar

I heard he was ...

... found using an iPod.

Leopard data loss glitch uncovered

Kenny Millar
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Dear Mr Karpik

Dear Mr Karpik

Have you not heard of http://bugreport.apple.com ?

Asus' Eee PC laptop so small, buyers sent boxes of five

Kenny Millar

I remember this happening before

Years and Year ago, in about 1985 we ordered a 'Zenith' portable computer and it came in the box were 2! Similar idea, they are shipped to the supplier in a multipack and the picking guy at our supplier just picked up 1 box - not knowing it had 2 inside.

What was more interesting was the unusual translation on the side of the box, which read "Our satification is your satification" - (Note carefully the spelling!) we were definitely "satificated"!

Leopard on a PC?

Kenny Millar

Any Rock you are wrong

Take a look at the spec of the hardware and compare it to, say a DELL with the SAME SPEC (including graphics card don't forget!)

I think you'll find that Apple hardware is competitively priced, if not cheaper.

Jordan mulls mamtastic epitaph

Kenny Millar
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How about...

Inflated in Life,

Inflated Chest,

Inflated Ego,

All deflated in Death.

Data recovery firm sounds Mac hard drive damage alert

Kenny Millar

Dear Bob Bobson

Eh $500 markup? Not good at maths then?

Compare and Apple product to the same specification of machine from say Dell or HP and you'll find they are very competitively priced. Don't forget to include the cost of the latest OS.

Apple's Leopard rejects latest version of Java

Kenny Millar

Dear Alan Doley

Not to great at maths then?

Compare a DELL Laptop with a SIMILAR spec apple laptop and I think you'll find Apple are very competitively priced.

Record labels to ditch CD singles for USB Flash drives

Kenny Millar

They STILL don't get it.

The music industry are so far up their own backsides it's no wonder they talk s**t.

They STILL don't get it. It's not just electronic formats we want - we can get digital content from a fecking CD for pete's sake. We want to be able to sit at our computers, laptops, wifi enabled MP3 Plalyers or whatever and download the content we want at a fair price. "Fair" should reflect the cost of production and distribution, but should NOT reflect the rip-off surcharge that the music industry have been getting away with for decades.

Sticking the content on a flash drive doesn't make it eaiser to buy, or fairer. It's easier and fairer we want.

Sticking it on a flash driver doesn't make it simpler. It's simple we want.

Get your heads out of your pants, music industry, and start listening to the people who actually pay for your products.

Fasthosts customer? Change your password now

Kenny Millar

Dear Fasthosts

Please transfer all my domains and services to EasySpace.

Yours sincerely,

E.x. Customer.

Kenny Millar
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Not only but also

Since many people use the same username and password for many sites, there's a good chance that the perps now have thousands of PayPal and eBay username/passwords too.

Mars rovers can keep on rovin'

Kenny Millar

Oh, by the way,

Has anyone mentioned yet, they run VxWorks - not Linux?

Greenpeace admits iPhone 'compliant' with Euro chemicals rules

Kenny Millar

Shut up about the battery

Just shut it.

The battery is glued in because some idiots who don't understand the basic rules of maintaining battery life, kill theirs and then buy cheap knock offs from dodgy sources which then either pollute the planet or blow up in your pocket.

In short the battery is glued in to save you from yourself.

Red Arrows Olympic 'ban' causes online furore

Kenny Millar


Good grief. How long will it be before people realise that the Sun is a comic, not a newspaper. Not a single fecking word in it is true. People who believe what they read in the Sun need to get back on their medication. Stupid idiots for buying it in the first place.

Asian manufacturers race to ready iPhone-alikes

Kenny Millar

Yeah so what

So what! The others are jumping on the bandwagen because they've hardkly got an original idea between them, but they STILL won't get it right.

Instead of things just working the way the user wants them to - simply and good looking, it'll be double click this, scroll down to that and feck about with the other - just like normal.

MP warns against Microsoft monopoly in e-gov services

Kenny Millar
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It highlights the fact the gov. don't know what they are talking about.

Once again we see a govt. spokesperson equating open-source with cross-platform.

Gettings sites and services to be platform neutral is NOT related in anyway to being ope source.

Using standards compliant products is. You don't have to have an opensource content server to deliver platform neutral content.

It just shows how poorly some top government officials understand IT.

Pilot sacked for footie star on flightdeck shocker

Kenny Millar

Wouldn't it be a shame if...

Wouldn't it be a shame if someone accidentally posted the email address of MyTravel executives here and we accidentally sent them mail complaining of their over zealous politically corectness gone mad?

BT home router wide open to hijackers

Kenny Millar
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If you're daft enough..

...to be lured to a phising site then you DESERVE to have your router hacked.

Would-be politician fails in Yahoo! and Ask.com lawsuit

Kenny Millar


If this prat had put as much effort into being a politician as he does at being a prat maybe he'd be a first class politico! As it stands he's just a prat.

That, of course, is my opinion, as expressed under my right to free speech. Of course, Yahoo and Ask may well wish to present it slightly differently - but if they do I'll sue for those missing commas!!!

So, what's the first rule of Reg Club?

Kenny Millar

The first rule of club reg


The is no club reg. We deny all existance of club reg.

BOFH: You think you know a guy...

Kenny Millar

Mac? Archimedes? WINDOWS?

Ah, the big wide green jealous streak of a Vista user who thought his new OS would blow Mac OS X out of the water, but then realised he'd bought a pig in a poke....

Hospital's brand new '£1m' server room goes up in smoke

Kenny Millar

to the 'PACS TECHIE'

So a single xray film is a little over 1 MByte in size (You siad 10Mb = 10 Mega bits)

Some techie you are when you don't know your bits (small b) from your Bytes (large B).

I wouldn't trust you to change a battery in my daughters dora the explorer doll.

NBC unveils self-destructing, ad-addled anti-iTunes service

Kenny Millar

Get with it

When will NBC and the rest get with it?

The reason people pirate video etc is because we WANT it but it is OVERPRICED therefore we STEAL it.

Wake up and smell the fecking coffee NBC, it's time you offered the people what we want, (DRM-free content to keep) at a price that is fair ($1.99) then we'll flipping well buy it without any problems!

Get real and reap the rewards.

Samsung iPhone rival to hit UK in November

Kenny Millar

When oh when

Oh yeah, it does what it says on the tin. But when oh when will Samsung, Sony, Motorola et al catch on to the fact that it's a decent look and feel and simple controls we want?

We want to do things naturally. Where in the real life would I use a menu to look through a photo book, or flick through pages to listen to music? We don't! And that's why the Apple iPhone is always going to rule the roost - until the other manufacturers start to give the user what he wants, not try to fit the user into what they've made.

Dell laptop burns in China

Kenny Millar

Not quite what it seems

That laptop looks very much like a Dell Lattitude -Either a D800 or D810

Either way, that is NOT where the battery sits. The site of that fire is the drive bay, and although you can fit a 2nd battery into the drive bay, none of the drive bay batteries have been subject to a recall.

Walkman completes Sony conspiracy to hammer iTunes

Kenny Millar

Missing the point

This article kinda misses the point.

The reason MS, Sony et al have failed to knock Apple off it's perch is because apple delivers what the consumer wants, the rest try to force the consumer into their own contrived marketing strategy.

Take the hardware - the iPod user interface is intuitive, easy to use, does not burden the uers. All the other devices come a distant second place when it comes to user interaction.

Take synching, i plug my iPod into my PC/Mac and it gets synched. Easy as that. I don't have to launch this, select that and feck about with the next thing just to get music onto my player.

Then there's the iPhone. When I saw it's user interface and features, I said to myself why were Nokia, Sony, Motorola not doing this 10 years ago? This is the way phones and players should work.

Sony, MS et al should put more money into developing what the consumer actually wants, rather than building a strategy and marketing policy and trying to shoehorn hardware and services into it.

SIt up and take note!

You won't knock apple of the perch unless you delivering what the consumer wants.

Apple slashes iPhone prices

Kenny Millar

Looks like apple.com is down

Looks like the 1 Million have all decided to logon to apple.com at the same time.

I for one can't access anything which ends with .apple.com

Apple to announce HDD-less iPods tomorrow?

Kenny Millar

Close, but no cigar

You're almost right.

Tomorrows annoucment will be at least 2 things.

1. An iPhone styled iPod as described above but WITH a hdd not flash.

2. The much rumoured iPod nano with flash.
