Forget Live
Forget Live, Hotmail and Messenger because .Mac (MobileMe) and iChat are far superior.
261 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007
Court: How do you plead?
Jobs & Co: Put it this way, your Honour, if you find us guilty, we'll move our operation (and all it's tax dollars) to Mexico.
Court: We find the defendents Not Guilty.
Oh, nearly forgot to say, Buy a Mac, they're much better than windows Vista.
Mine is the one with the detachable fake wig.
Look, Tim, if I can see you walking down the street, and I can remember that I saw you walking down the street, then there is NOTHING to stop me taking a picture of you walking down the street. A photograph, or even video, is just a permanent reminder of something the photographer saw. If you don't want to be photographed, then don't leave the house, and keep your curtains shut.
Oh, and buy a Mac, they are better than windows machines.
CLive Sinclair (before he became, Sir Clive) was really into the Zilog Z80 processor family - all his little, er, 'computers', were based on it.
In Z80 Assembly language, C5 was PUSH BC, which could be construed as 'Push ByCycle' if you take a mental squint at it. However, I prefer to think that it was simply his initials, in that 1980's sort of computer font C5 would have looked almost exactly like CS.
Mine is the one with the big furry hood.
Its a far superior device.
And before you shoot me down, if you've never used one, and never had the chance to compare one to any other 'smart'phone then shut up until you can put up.
I've been using smartphones for a while, and can tell you, the iPhone is years ahead of the competion in terms of usability.
I got OUT OF THE WAY to avoid using my current, Windows Mobile based device, but I love using the iPhone.
In Scotland there are hydro stations such as the one at Cruachan which can come online in as little as 28 seconds, and at worst 2 Minutes notice.
At the time that Longannt went offline, cruacan would have been sitting idle and ready to go. So why wasn't it brought online?
The reason in twofold. 1. Hydro power is expensive - more expensive than gas, coal or nuclear fuel.
2. It's GOOD for the power companies to create the illusion of power shortages as they can then trump about the 'power crisis' and justify inflated prices.
The honest truth about this is that Scotland's hydro stations could have matched the missing power from Longannet and Sizewell within seconds. But this option wasn't used - for political and propaganda reasons.
European law REQUIRES that everything comes with a minimum 2 Years warranty. A fact that seems to be lost on most manufacturers.
We should also remember that warranties are IN ADDITTION to our statutory rights, which state that anything we 'buy' must be 1. Merchantable quality, 2. Fit for purpose and 3.Last a reasonable amount of time.
No amount of clever wording in your '12 month' warranty can take away from your statutory right for things to work for a 'reasonable amount' of time.
... at something to know it's wrong.
Even if it was whisper quiet and could do 400 Knotts whilst sipping gently at a non-organic fuel, people still wouldn't use it simply because it just doesn't look right.
What would be so wrong with a good old fashioned jet turbine, mounted just below the rotor disc, with harrier-style nozzles to aid VTOL ?
Mine is the one with the oil stains.
Buy a Mac.
Seriously. Why not? They are safer, faster and no more expensive. (Despite what a few XP Zealots who have never even tried one will tell you.)
If you've never tried a Mac in recent years, then don't even bother to reply since you have no right to talk about things you've never tried.
You are not 'private' when you walk down a public road, or otherwise appear in public. Neither is your cars number plate.
If I can 'see' you with my eyes and 'remember' that I saw you with my mind, then whats the problem if I see you with my camera and remember that I saw you with some kind of storage system?
Secondly, the process of blurring faces and number plates, if they really must, is easily accomplished by means of techniques such as Amazon's Mechanical Turk. This uses humans to identify faces and other privacy senstitive information. Not every frame needs to be analyzed, one in 10 or 20 frames may be sufficient for an automated system to interpolate the rest.
Is not firewire, the firewire protocol or any 'bug' in firewire.
The real issue is that windows uses well publicised <i>physical</i> memory addresses for various parts of the OS and this is bad.
Having direct access to physical memory is not as useful as it first seems, since all modern operating systems use virtual memory, and any virtual memory block could be read/written into just about any physical memory locations, which makes it very difficult to predict what is where in physical memory at any time, except of course for Windows', linux's and Max OS X's placing of some sensitive parts of the OS into known and publicised physical memory locations.
The real solution is for the OSes, if really necesary to have these things at a fixed physical location, to dynamically allocate that location at boot time and prebind executable as they are loaded. Rather than hard coding it into the libraries.
How about a change in the law such that:
When filing for a patent, the patent OWNER must show that he will actually develop and sell products based on said patent. Patents may not be obtained purely to prevent others from creating such products, or to collect royalties from others. In other words, patents would only be issued as a means to protect a companies IP in real products.
The police (Scottish: Polis) don't know the meaning of the word 'Emergency'.
Our local police force (Strathclyde) wouldn't turn out for a shooting, so what difference does it make? Whether it takes you a long time or not to get through, you're still not gonna get the copper out of his nice warm station.
The problem with Digital Radio is the same as with Digital TV.
It's fine up to a point, but when you get a moments interference on analogue you might get a slight click, hiss or crackle, but with digital you get a drop out. In terms of radio it means a moments total silence, in things like Digital TV it means a frozen or jumpy picture.
As humans we simply prefer to have a wee bit of interference than to have drop outs.