"Microsoft has always insisted its totals don't include replacement machines sent out after Red Ring of Death console malfunctions."
No matter how many times you say it Microsoft I doubt anyone will believe you.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Mar 2009
I'm sorry that you think that Microsoft are my masters because they certainly aren't. As an IT professional I have to work with a lot of Microsoft software some buggy, some not.
I think therefore I am! if that's the case I must be real then.
Not all 360 consoles are effected by these issues, as I said before i'm not.
My launch day console has had no issues. No disk scratching, no red ring or any other problem.
Of course their not providing it out the goodness of their hearts and I never suggested it nor would I. Microsoft are a business and businesses are in the business of making money. Microsoft's culture of trying to make as much money as possible is probably what's caused these issues, as well as them rushing to the market with it. Well that and the huge loss they made on the original Xbox console.
I'm sure Microsoft wouldn't have offered this warranty, limited warranty, guarantee against certain issues call it what you will if they hadn't have be forced or felt like they were being forced to. At least it's now there for the people that do have the issues and at least in certain cases people who have paid for specific repairs in the past have had their money refunded.
Anything is a lot better than nothing isn't it?
Regardless of what other people may say I like my 360 and wouldn't ever sell it. I have a launch console and it's never had any problems.
Nobody likes it when their console dies but at least Microsoft appear to be addressing the issues with modifications to the console and a three year warranty.
Can these contractors even read a plan? or was the tunnel not marked on it?
Why did this happen? Why did this single incident cause so many people and businesses to lose their internet connection? where's the backup?
This whole incident just goes to show how BT have no viable backup infrastructure for when things go wrong. It's about time BT stopped looking at it's profits and invested in this countries quite frankly shocking infrastructure.
Another lawsuit filed by people trying to cover up their own mistakes.
Before I buy something especially when it's compute related I research what i'm buying, that way I can make an informed decision based on what i've found.
Did they research anything before they brought it?
If they had they'd have noticed that a lot of people including myself are recommending 2GB when using Vista. Don't get me wrong Vista runs OK on 1GB but it runs a lot better with 2GB.
How much for a stick of RAM? Where did they get that from?
“in every situation in which a violent rampage has occurred”, the perpetrator had an “addiction to so-called killer games”. - quote from article.
Errr....sorry but that's not true is it!
The Virginia Tech murderer didn't play games but had severe mental health issues, issues that were not followed up by medical professionals and have been largely ignored by the press.
There is no real hard evidence that proves that violent games make people do these horrible rampages. People who do this sort of thing have mental health issues because rational people wouldn't dream of doing things like this.
I suppose some of my argument would go back to my comment of the government advisor calls for violent video game tax article.
"Games such as GTA, Saints Row, Manhunt, FEAR 2 are all 18 certificate games so why do some parents think this is OK for their kids? The mind simply boggles where these people are concerned.
Parents need to educate themselves to the kinds of games their kids are playing. If they find their kids are playing games they shouldn't be then it's time for good old discipline to say hello. If parents want to educate themselves there are gaming sites out there that cater for parents and have a full breakdown of the games content. Is it that hard to use a search engine?
Education is only part of it, parents also need to be involved with their kids game playing. Don't just give them a console, a TV and let them sit in their rooms put the thing in a family room where they can be kept an eye on. Even play games with them." - quote from my comments.
"He continues to suffer from both physical and mental conditions which will cause him to suffer pain, mental distress, emotional distress, and otherwise for the rest of his life."
Somehow I think the rest of his life is way over the top. Guess the lawyer said we'll put that in to make it sound good.
If it is an Apple product then why shouldn't a person be able to sue them for a reasonable amount. I wouldn't expect any product to burn me because of an electrical fault.
Another knee jerk reaction. Of course I feel very sorry for Mr Taylor as he did lose his son in what I can only describe as horrendous circumstances but the issue is a little bit more complex then he thinks.
Games are already expensive, actually more expensive than they've ever been. We already pay VAT on them so slapping another tax on them would seriously hit gamers and the industry alike.
Games such as GTA, Saints Row, Manhunt, FEAR 2 are all 18 certificate games so why do some parents think this is OK for their kids? The mind simply boggles where these people are concerned.
Parents need to educate themselves to the kinds of games their kids are playing. If they find their kids are playing games they shouldn't be then it's time for good old discipline to say hello. If parents want to educate themselves there are gaming sites out there that cater for parents and have a full breakdown of the games content. Is it that hard to use a search engine?
Education is only part of it, parents also need to be involved with their kids game playing. Don't just give them a console, a TV and let them sit in their rooms but the thing in a family room where they can be kept an eye on. Even play games with them.