* Posts by WinHatter

170 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Mar 2009


Obama declares war on Ireland over tech tax avoidance



Yeah but this one I'm taking advantage of as I don't have any US based customer ... so I happily bring euros in the US economy and that's want O wants. So no double standards here.

But Ireland may retaliate aiming at that specific Delaware (Florida and Nevada are on the list too).

Microsoft: Don't rush to download Windows 7 RC


your PC will begin shutting down every two hours

For once I'll follow M$ piece of advice, I'll wait till June 3011.

Well, people may not have to wait that long to see their PC crashing down every 2 hours.

I know M$ said shutting ... I say crashing ... tomayto tomato ...

/mine's the one made of apple fed penguin pelt

Moon Macrosystems - How to build a better Sun


Sunmoon - Munsoon

What if Oracle bought Sun just to get java & Sun's customers?

Hands on Java specification committee : good

Financial sector customers : good

Solaris : not so bad as a massive number of Oracle licenses are Solaris ones.

MySQL : well who cares other than a bunch of pennyless companies,

Sun UltraSparc I II IIi III IV T1 T2 : what can't you achieve on a x64 ??? Plus x64 has the added advantage to run any Linux distro or even Windows. Oracle may even terminate the UltraSparc thing all together as this will be one less CPU to maintain code for ... Fujitsu & Siemens can go to hell.

Basically the whole Sun stack is not that worthy.

So go ahead and build your stack but if companies are willing to pay less they'll take the stack and maintain it themselves if they are willing to pay for support being charged by Oracle will be fine.

US Congress wants hack teams for self-penetration

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Might be hard for a team of hackers to have all the adrenaline taken off. If you don't have any incentive ... a fat cheque may not be enough ... what is the point you just get back to the old system

What would work may be

Phase 1 hack us and we won't press charges.

Phase 2 hack us and if you manage to cover your tracks we won't press charges.

Phase 3 hack us and we are back to the old scheme but if the intrusion has not been noticed by the time you tell us the guy in charge of the security will be jailed.

That should help everybody to remain focused.

Google hires goat army for lawn maintenance

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Cuter ???

Looks like Google's nerds are goat shaggers too.

But that's a good move, rather than having an idiot going round and round on their sit-on mower.

Peugeot preps 4WD diesel hybrid

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Plain stupid.

1st why a bloody SUV

2nd why regenerative braking at the rear when 70% of the braking energy is dissipated at the front.

Looks like the once outdated Yank rear wheel drive is now at the front of the progress.

Microsoft's TomTom patents under scrutiny

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When the FAT hit the SHIN

The boot in the booty, no wonder why M$ is settling, if cases were to go before the courts I'm pretty sure there would be more of that.

M$ just feed your Windows source code to a "patent checker" if you dare.

Adobe users imperiled by critical Reader flaw

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Rather good news

I shall say !!

That means Adobe is rushing out their Linux runtime, the down side is it might be lightly tested code but good news overall as M$ is loosing ground.

US lawmakers to de-silence electric cars

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Leccy car detector

What about a standard emitter on the car that can be picked up by the receptor the blind people may need.

Batteries for such devices will be paid for by SUV owners and idiots with extra loud "audio" sound systems.

That should be an interim measure whilst all the cars are being converted to quieter models so the device is no longer needed. Or make the noise emitting system aware of the noise ambiance so you don't get a 90 dB level in a 45 dB background.

Having said that Yanks love noisy things, I got meself a US PC that goes "BEEP BEEP BEEP ..." when shutting down ... how annoying.

Oracle suits to strap on Sun's Java sandals


Did not see that coming ...

or did we ?

Companies that heavily invested in Java tech might be a bit worried. Oracle will pray on them as there is nothing else available to them in the short term. Those businesses want support and even if Java's developers are important they are worthless when it comes to supporting big companies. If they were why would Oracle still sell Oracle DB licenses when MySQL or PostgreSQL can do the same at a fraction of the cost.

You can trust Oracle to stop supporting any platform Oracle's other products are not running on and I even bet that the Sun JVM implementation will be garbaged making place for the JRockit as the commercially supported one. Expect a fork.

Revealed: Mega City One's top e-car - according to Peugeot

IT Angle

Whiny Blighty

Well, it is said that we may be driving that in mega cities, where living outside might not be an option because the air will be unbreathable thanks to good old cars. One thing for sure, given the state of the roads in the UK, the chances to see those leccy thingies over here are quite remote.

And if you are about to complain about the design go full tilt, because the tyres won't remain glossy, the rims will gather dust, the rims are open on the inside meaning you can't even carry your cat as it might be centrifuged and expelled at high velocity in the cabin, there is no footrest and unless you are wearing sleepers with felt soles the foot place and the front bubble will be ruined in no time, there is no room for the oversized bottoms we'll have in a few years time.

Here is a hint Formula ones can be trashed for the exact same reasons.

Apple fined $19m in 'Predictive Snooping' case


Opti Good

at post-dictive snooping at least ... and Apple rubbish at predictive fining and Apple's lawyers are complete crap at previous art-dictive.

But how come you may be fined for infringing something you can re-invent yourself ... if you don't snatch the details of the implementation and anyway comes up with something similar how come it infringes some patents you may have heard about but never had access to?

This nonsense really has to stop.

Ballmer disses Oracle's decision to buy Sun

IT Angle

Ballmer = b*ll*cks


how pertinent !!!

Hope this drunken idiot brings down the M$ house.

Microsoft gears up for Windows 8


Rushing out versions

Easy to understand, the sooner they get to 10 the better

MacOS X or 10

Solaris 10 or X

Win X(P) or 10p

Vista blurrish, Win7 dwarves ... well

/mine's the snowwhite leopard pelt

iPhone beta OS cracks before release

IT Angle

FREE not to buy an iPhone.

The worst part is the whole jailbreaking thing is a selling argument for apple ...

If you are nice Apple will take care of you and provide you with safe apps in a controlled manner,

If you are naughty, Apple will make sure you still buy their handset buy publicising and even easing the existence of an unlocking kit. And if they manage to brick your phone after an easy jailbreak even better because you might buy another one.

Adversity = Opportunity

Did Sun's total package kill the IBM deal?

IT Angle

Companies behaving badly

It's hard enough to deal with your own products so when things are brought in through acquisition you basically never agree with what's in it and you don't know if it's of any value to anyone.

If IBM acquires Sun in the end (which is likely) the Java & MySQL may remain because the community values them a bit. But very few give a pooh about Solaris (especially the financiers) and the kit especially considering :

The fact that Sun moved away from TI to TSMC for its Sparc T ... and that TSMC happens to be IBM's foundry seems part of a plan.

So the rest of the technologies will get ditched for good and nothing will end up into the Open Source pocket ... IBM is not a philanthropic company, and they can take the risk of releasing something that will serve as the base of their next big competitor, they got stung by M$ ... so they'll deprive the companies using Sun technologies ... period.

So all this package & compensation & bonus is just smoke to manoeuvre at peace.

IBM-Sun deal breaking down, report says


M$-Yahoo only different

The Bride does not want it, just because she thinks she's prettier than $9.4 a share. Well that is unlikely Cisco or HP steps in.

The only potential suitor is IBM for HW and WebSphere purposes . Sun should have acquired EDS to get some sort of "Services" to cash-in on their "open" things ...

So now IBM will be able to drive Sun out of business by pushing its gear at a discount until the initially provisioned $6-7bn run out. IBM has a bit of a bottom soreness called Oracle and getting the upper hand on the Java spec won't hurt.

Unless the Bride finally decide to say "I do". And as usual I think they'll just take the monies from the ongoing contracts, push their gear and kill off completely Sun things and I very much doubt IBM will ever give the non open bits to the open community.

Microsoft claims IE8 is 'a leap forward in web standards'


Leap but Mind the Gap !

Ah ah !!!

The name says it all, M$ are Internet Explorer when the others got a map and are navigators.

To$$ers, I whish I'll see the day Ballmer's got a penguin stuck up his bum.

Google debuts JavaScript playground

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Full potential

I can now see the full potential to get a quote for my auto insurance.

Useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

Microsoft claims Firefox- and Chrome-whopping IE8 speeds



at crashing, catching on viruses ....
