* Posts by John

2 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Mar 2009

Govt advisor calls violent-videogame tax


@This sickness is enemic in society

Perhaps we should also ban science fiction. These horrible people great creatures that were not made in the eyes of god, you must have a sick mind to create anything like this! While we are at it I think that we should also ban historical books that include any pictures related to war or any form of violence(interestingly I guess that would include the Bible), because you have to be wrong in the head to want to see or read anything about someone who has experienced pain. You should not learn anything about World War I or II, as to be interested about anything Hitler did would be wrong!! All news reporting on any violent act should also be banned! In fact let is us ban anything that involves pain so, no tatoos, no piecings, no rugby, no martial arts, no contact sport what so ever, all forms forms surgery and injections should also be banned as this might hurt even if it is for the best overall.

Everyone should ONLY want to stand holding hands in fields of flowers, anything else is WRONG!!!!


Maybe some people can tell the difference between fantasy and reality!!!!!! Yes you do have to be ill to want to do certain things in real life!!!! However that cannot be compared to wanting to see what happens if you can draw faster than Billy the kid in a western game or wanting to see if you can jump over that garden restraunt with your car, even though you know you probably can't! You know why? because it does not matter!!! All anyone does in a game is change digital code. No one is hurt and no one is killed. So it is not really the same as killing a school student or being a war crimimal in REAL LIFE!!!!!

Ali perhaps you cannot tell the difference between the two BUT most people can!

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Another great government scheme.......

What a load of nonesense it is to tax certain videogames to keep them out of the hands of kids. So that even perfectly responsible adults who understand the difference between games and reality are also taxed!

Perhaps it would be more suitable to make the current warning more visable to parents who would likely go to a shop and ask "What is the best game out at the moment for this games console?" Shop assistant will just say GTA or whatever else might be out, some might be violet others could be acceptable for all ages e.g. Mario. However I am not sure all parents understand how much games have changed since they used to play them, if they have ever used them at all. Perhaps bigger warnings or specific alerts at the register to say "Please be aware this is a very graphically violet game and is not suitable for all people and definitely not anyone under (whatever the specific age rating is)"

It is always very odd to me that people like blaiming video games for horrible things occuring, fairly sure Hitler was not a games fanatic and I cannot see Osama Bin Laden practicing his smack talk on Xbox Live! Some times people are just bad and they might just focus on particular things which could be games, films, books or it could just be their imagination! It is the person not whatever they are obsessed with causing the problem.

Hopefully the government will understand that and not tax the perfectly safer gamers which would be unlikely to change anything anyway as making something a few quid more just means that someone will obsess over it more and potentially look to other ways to either get the game or money so they can start playing it.