* Posts by Stephane Mabille

104 publicly visible posts • joined 2 May 2007


Iraq collapse may pose new WMD threat, say UN monitors

Stephane Mabille

NY JFK Pipeline

In the case of Russell Defreitas, of course exploding kerosene tanks would cause some issues; but the majority of media emphasises were on the "unthinkable effect" of blowing pipeline burried under NY crowded areas. That would be if Russell Defreitas was a total genius and discovered a way to detonate kerosene without any need for oxygen as the pipe are... burried (and I'm not a NY soil specialist but I don't think the city is build on thin air).

O2 trials one off the wrist for VIP access

Stephane Mabille

Bracelet a good idea, mobile is not!


Replacing cash and wallet by a chip wrist band is a good idea (at least until you get mugged for it, but you could get mugged for your wallet etc anyway); and as it stays around your wrist the risk of losing it, having it falling from your pocket etc is reduced.... so that's a good idea.

Integrating it into mobile phone might have some advantage in every day life BUT festivals are clearly not the best place to implement it.

Being a regular festival goer/volunteer, the number of mobiles lost, stolen etc is quite impressive (the #2 item just after wallets). Any sensible festival goer will try to avoid having his mobile with him 24h/day (leave it in your car or in lockers -if provided as at Glade Festival-), and having to take it out every time you want to move, eat, drink, pay, etc... is increasing the risk...

Wrist bands are the way to go!

Researchers, spooks favour satnav-based road pricing

Stephane Mabille

Invest in divorce lawyer....


Following earlier report, the government will send you a detailed bill every month, I suggest El Reg readers to massively invest in divorce lawyer company shares as lots of people will get caught driving when they were supposed to be "stuck at that management meeting" or sign out the detailed bill which won't make them look less suspicious to their other half (or third or quarter...).

The good side of it, it will do a lot to promote open, honest polyamory relationships (or some people might just stick to faithfull monogamous culturaly induced frustration).

Disappointed Glastonbury fans spammed by rival festival

Stephane Mabille

Got spammed, haven't used SeeTickets

The seetickets explaination for the Latitude festival is not even valid, Glasto organisation (or more likely Live Nation (ex ClearChannel, new owner of Mean Fiddler)) should have directly passed the registered customers details.

I personaly pre-registered for Glastonbury but due to unplanned circumstances I was NOT able to try to grab tickets, so there is absolutely NO WAY that I would have signed up for anything on the Seetickets web site as I NEVER accessed it in relation to Glastonbury festival.
