* Posts by REDKola

5 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Mar 2009

Big goolies-grabbing black snake nips unlucky bloke's trouser snake


Re: Badger Badger Badger Badger

That's what I thought when I read the story.

Panic, a snake!

Brown launches 'Zip it, Block it, Flag it' net code for children


Daft Punk....?

Anyone else think they got Daft Punk in to write the slogan?

Zip it, Block it, Flag it... Work it, Do it, Make it, harder, better, faster, stronger, etc

Police union leader calls for 'killer games' sales ban


Feck right off!

So everything should be banned then?

Using his logic - “when a chance to remove a probable cause exists, it must be used”

ok so I guess no one should be allowed to drive a car incase they speed...?

I'm so fed up of these people who don't like things and decide they should be banned - am I not allowed to make a mature, informed decision?

The guy that went on the rampage in Germany was addicted to counterstrike - how many people play the game and don't end up going out and shooting people? I be he was into heavy metal too - don't get me started!


Tata to release UK's first 'serious' electric car


CityRover was never a real car either

"Looks like a real car not a G-Whizz"

Before reading the article I saw the pics and thought that looks like one of those horrid CityRovers.. What a surprise when I got to the last paragraph... NOT.

Still looks too much like the CityRover to be taken seriously... Also, only once the range of these 'leccy cars comes close to that of the current petrol/diesel ones at proper speeds will they become a viable alternative. I imagine the quoted 125 mile range is not achieved by driving near 80mph for any length of time.

UK IT should 'fire men first', says Kate Craig-Wood

Thumb Down

Does she just mean smaller companies?

In my experience working for large corporations, knowing what a colleague (whether they be male or female) earns is a big no no - disciplinary offence in almost all cases.

As long as I am earning what I believe I'm worth then I'll happily work to the best of my abilities and put in some extra effort. If not then it's up to me to change my situation.

Any hint of me being made redundant just cos I can stand up to pee would certainly be grounds to bring the lawyers in!