The Times are shits
No doubt the Times will be disclosing all the names of their previously unattributed lobby briefers. Or not.
4 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2009
Oh dear - this was an April Fool that went viral and is still being repeated on April 2nd. Come on, Reg, do sparkle up.........even the Daily Telegraph had it yesterday; or maybe you were too busy with The Bee's spoof moment yesterday??
Same old, same old. When DSGi spent millions (including redundancy to Hemel Hempstead HO staff) relocating the CS function to Sheffield, all at H.O. scratched their heads. Then they sold the whole caboodle to Capita and now they're doing a U-turn. And they wonder why their business model is ducked??
Black helicopter because that's what's needed to spirit the incompetent Directors away...............