Yet another 'fuck-up merchant'...
gets to *resign*, no doubt with his lardy assed pension still totally intact.
Which is more than could be said for the rest of us if we cocked up for our employer so publicly.
Gits, the lot of em.
58 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2009
"On you go BT."
At least I hope you're being sarcastic!
It took the useless fuckers almost a month to repair the damaged multicore to the pole serving our house after some dozy smegger cut it with a digger.
As someone posted on the earlier article, BT need to get their act together on the diversity and redundancy factors.
With some added redundancy for those responsible for not ensuring there was enough of both in the system.
Not so much a network as a few bits of damp string knotted together incoherantly
We should be even cheaper then, as I suspect our GDP is likely to be substantially below that.
And isn't it just a teensy bit coincidental, £1Tn in "benefits which had previously escaped your notice" is surprisingly like the amount this country is likely to be in debt by (at least) to get us 'out' of the current economic situation?
As a certain Mr. Royle would say; "Coincidence, my arse!"
"but virtual console games can now be saved and loaded directly from the cards."
Just did the update this morning. You have to 'temporarily transfer' downloaded games from the SD card into the Wii system memory before you can play.
Or at least that's what the instructions contained in the update tell you.
At least they've gone some way to addressing the issue.
REALLY fucking bad!
And getting rapidly worse.
As for "What does "taken offside" mean?"
WTF do you think he meant?
The only connections with sport would involve either a baseball bat (or two, or three), or perhaps a starting pistol (or something *very* similar).
Use your imagination.
Look at it this way, if you're using Google's 'free' services (Gmail, picasa, search, maps, whatever) then they're using 'your' data to turn a profit. Which, if you think about it, is pretty fair.
They should, however, make this completely clear and transparent, and no data should be linked to any IP address for any longer than, say 14 days.
Time to come clean guys.
Phorm/BT on the other hand, are not going to be operating this model. The user will already be paying BT for their service. Phorm/BT are simply harvesting this info to make MORE money, with no discernible benefit to the users, as far as I can see ('Targeted' or 'more relevant' ads do not, IMO, constitute a "discernible benefit")
"I was trolling along, on moonlight bay, dah de de de de de de dee,...."
Seriously though, is FTTC intended to replace the existing copper multicore from the exchange to "your nearest roadside cabinet" or is it going to be supplementary to it, thereby enabling ET, sorry BT, to proffer a two-tier service?
I have to agree with a great many of the posts here, it should be rolled out in more 'rural' areas first, with preference given to those areas with either no broadband, or piss-poor connections.
But that wouldn't be 'economically viable' I suppose.
Finally, my apologies to our Welsh reader. How could I possibly have missed "Taffs Well - Rhondda Cynon Taf"
"iechyd da"
Surely that's got to be a prime example of utter hypocrisy by the in-duh-vidual involved.
Just what did they expect to find on the "alt sex story repository" exactly?
Goldilocks & the 3 Bears?
Snow White & the 7 Dwarves (or should that be vertically challenged gem miners?) ?
Sleeping Beauty?
No, I'm referring to the 'traditional' versions, not the versions I imagine you WOULD find there.
is that it's only 11 that are "almost certainly illegal under human rights or data protection law".
This report looks like something that the ICO should be able to get it's teeth into.
Did I say "ICO" and "get it's teeth into" in the same sentence there?
My mistake. I do apologise.
I did of course mean "ICO" and "steadfastly and resolutely ignore, or claim that its not it's responsibility to do anything about Government departments wantonly breaching Data Protection legislation."
before Ye Olde Incandescents are gone. People will stock up on them to use in light fittings that simply are not suitable for, or were never designed to be compatible with, CFLs.
Personally, we have 36% of the fixed lighting in our house still running on Ye Olde Bulbes, simply because the fittings are not suitable for CFLs (either too big to go inside the enclosed glass shade and still give enough light, or on a PIR that's not rated for CFL). the rest run on halogens. If that sort of percentage is repeated across europe, that's a shitload of lighting.
I take it the 'boffins' haven't heard of rechargeable batteries then.
No, don't start with the "you'd need more of them than alkelines so the sub would be heavier...yadda, yadda, yadda." This should have been figured out early on in the design.
Or was it sponsored by "Duracell"?
Paris, as I imagine she likes her submersible devices to be rechargeable!!
and statistics.
It's all in the way you set up the questions.
You can *prove* anything with statistics, you just have to ask the *right* (or in this case, the *wrong*) questions.
Statistics is not, IMHO, a science. Its an art. A bit like magic. Looks impressive if done well, but deep down you just KNOW it's all smoke and mirrors.
Which is just another term for Bullshit!
Goggle guy, closest statistics will come to real science.
But this is still in line with New Labour's controlling policies, so its bound to find favour with them.
Her Wackiness will love it.
Logical extension;
Your computer fitted with a reader for your ID card to 'authorise' your internet access level.
<robovoice> Papers please, Citizen.</robovoice>