All your face are belong to us
Scary shit - wonder where this is gonna go from here....?
26 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2009
It would be a real shame if quality journalism from the likes of the Telegraph and the Guardian were to suffer as a result of the BBC's might. They're only just finding their feet in the industry and attempting to find ways of monitising content through this media shift. I have downloaded both their apps and find it a great, easy way to access quality journalism.
Don't get me wrong, I love the BBC but wouldn't like it if they were all that was left. Not a popular view on here, I know, but certainly mine. The real test should be to allow the BBC to launch but with the constraints of the apps having to pay for themselves and not just to come from the never ending pot full of license fee cash.
> Mainly, people try to unlock these phones because they can't
> afford similar plans on another carrier.
Where did you get this information from? I imagine most people would simply prefer a choice of providers and it's not a matter of cost. I bought my phone outright from o2 and brought it over to NZ - it wouldn't even work on the Vodafone network here, even though they are an official provider for Apple. I had a headache trying to jailbreak my phone just so I could use it on an official carrier. It's madness.
If you buy something outright, you should have the option of choosing any provider you want. That's the way with most things; imagine buying a car and being told that because Audi had a deal with BP you could only fill up there! Rubbish behaviour that will not go on for much longer.
I love my iPhone as it does just what I want it to for business and pleasure - but I have a real dislike for what Apple are doing here.
When will you people get it? Some folk don't buy the iPhone because it's "cool" .... it works and works really well. Simple.
Okay, I don't agree with Apple locking everything down, and that will surely end in their demise. But, for now, they are producing some amazing and highly functional electronics. If it looked like a baked bean tin with a screen I would still use it as it does exactly what I want a portable device to do (it might not fit into my pocket quite the way I would like it to being baked bean tin-shaped, but hey you get the idea).
Devil Jobs because I don't like his company's competition ethos.
I've never been a Microsoft Explorer user, ever. I went from Amiga to Mac in 1993 and so no browser to Netscape .... but I think this is unfair on MS.
Held up for having a recognisable brand by a company with a less recognisable brand? I can't imagine this happening in any other industry.
I used to work there back in the early 00s - they didn't know their ar*e from their elbow back then and it doesn't appear that they have changed much. Whilst there, I worked for "Kingston Internet", "Kingston inbusiness", then "Kingston Communications" all without leaving my desk :)
Bad management and greed has brought down a company that was loved by many in the Hull area for nearly 100 years.
I used to be a big fan of Apple having started off using the Mac IIsi many years ago, I just kept with them (typing this on a Macbook Pro now), but they're really starting to fuck me off lately with their anti-consumer ways. They're not going to make any friends long term.
I'm not a techie, I'm a designer (hence the Macs in the past) and I've spent 2 days trying to 'fix' my Dad's iPhone - there's nothing actually wrong with the thing, it's just Apple being twats about him having to use o2 as a provider. It's wrong and it'll end in tears for them.
Rant over.
Most phones are including satnav now; I don't get why you'd want to carry an extra device around with you.
Fair enough with cameras perhaps, until the picture quality on phones is as good as an SLR... but not something which is essentially software which can run on anything with a GPS receiver.
But, folk will buy owt i suppose....