* Posts by James Taylor

2 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2009

Phone apps help blind 'see'

James Taylor
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If SeeScan and SeeStar work well and are somewhat affordable, this will be a huge step towards independence for the visually impaired.

Ray Kurzweil's KNFB Reader combines a phone camera with OCR software. That's supposedly enough (I haven't used one) to read street signs, but object recognition is a whole new level.


Google boss backs subsidized Linuxbooks

James Taylor


I realize it isn't the main point of the article, but the following sentence leapt out at me:

"He pointed to a recent snafu where Google's search engine blocked access to the entire internet."

That seems a tad harsh. As far as I know, Google problems like that are hardly "situation normal." Or are they?

P.S. Good to see that amanfromMars is back with his usual refreshing take on reality.