i left them completely a year ago thank goodness.
now use OVH and digital ocean for various VPS and support is better from both.
35 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2009
for me on my s2 (cyanogen 4.2.2) and performance is acceptable. zoom levels, however, not so good. tapping like a morse code operator to get things at a readable size. used to use opera mini on my old nokia (some symbian based thing...can't remember the catchy numbers) and it dealt with pages better than this.
back to dolphin (and very occasionally firefox) for me.
yeah i run a home mail server under debian 5. it's running spamassasin, needs very little patching and consumes very little power. current uptime is sitting at 169 days...
it needs few updates/patching as it's running few services and if it goes down (monitored by siteuptime) i point my remote dns to a server i've got running on the rackspace cloud.
simples? well maybe not quite...
i installed the rtm build of windows 7 in a virtual machine (virtualbox 3) under debian 5.
it actually runs quite well but is still a bit too vista-ish with commonly used features only able to be accessed through multiple menus and windows.
i'll be sticking with me old mate lenny but if a friend or family member was considering buying it i'd not berate them all that much.