Radio Gaga
I listen to a certain BBC local radio station a lot. I live and work outside its official area but can mostly receive it OK.
- I will never be able to get that station on DAB at home or for 98% of my time in my car.
- I can't listen to the station wia the Interweb in my car.
- The Interweb feed is cut during times of football commentary.
So I effectively lose access to that BBC station I pay for. Also, with FM, they can broadcast commentary for more than one footy match at a time using their different frequencies. With DAB they won't be able to.
I have a portable DAB radio. But it's not really portable - it eats batteries; it has an extendable aerial rendering it impracticle to use while on the hoof.
FM is a global standard. DAB is a bespoke local standard. This is why my car and my phone have FM and not DAB.
Will you ever be able to get an inexpensive hat with built-in DAB?