* Posts by Andy Lamb

3 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Feb 2009

Fox terminates The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Andy Lamb
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Why does the Futurama "Bender's Big Score" opening come to mind (Albeit without sabres chopping off accountants heads)?

The series, even when off on a tangent, was more enjoyable than the tripe of T3. Here's hoping Salvation doesn't continue the film's trendline in craptacularness

Jacqui Smith pulls in another TV psych in violence probe

Andy Lamb

Wacky, Wacky, Wacky...

I'm sorry but wtf?!? That woman is nothing more than a standard politician who has forgotten who they worked for, but with a (sexist) Napoleon complex larger than Rimmer's!!

Why don't these politicians/police/etc work on *enforcing* the laws already in place properly - that might work, hmm? Oh that's right, because so many of them would be guilty of one crime or another the state would grind to a halt leaving no-one in power..... That isn't such a bad idea - trial run without the shepards running this flock - how many econemies would collapse if the workforce running the businesses had contol?

UK kids presenter gets online support

Andy Lamb

All I Know Is...

That both her and Alex (And Andy for that matter) aren't anywhere near as good at presenting compared to Chris and Pui.

Though this nonesense about Cerrie scaring children?!?! Are these parents going to bubble wrap their kids from the posibilities of real life until they leave for bording school? All it will do is breed a generation of xenephobes - if it's different, cower in fear until it leaves...