They "dismissed" Antennaegate because it affected a very small number of users who could be taken care of through standard warranty processes.
Posts by Slappy Frogg
17 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2009
iOS upgrade swells iPhone battery-suckage grief
Apple iOS4 upgrade adds multitasking, folders... and pain
Google risks OEM wrath for unified Android UI plan
Big difference
In response to "Apple-style control of the Android platform."
I feel this comment distracts from the point of the article and is a straw man obscuring the real issue:
1) Google engaged their "partners" and is now trying to change the rules midstream
2) This attempt at having more control flies in the face of the "open" nature of the Android platform as trumpeted by Google.
Microsoft cuts 'Series' lump from Windows Phone 7
Facebook prepares for another privacy row with its users
"On the flip side, Facebook developers and third party websites will be required to “delete all data” from the site if a user requests such a removal. Additionally developers are forbidden from sharing Facebook data with other ad networks such as Google and DoubleClick.
Of course whether those coders adhere to the Facebook policy remains to be seen. "
Um, yeah, 'cause companies have such a great history of properly handling user data so I can totally see them going through the effort of properly configuring a "delete all data" feature.
Talk about capacity for self-delusion!
Navy, NASA 'committed' to restoring Silicon Valley Colossus
Adobe heats up iPad Flash bash
Apple video shows Flashed iPad
Steve Wozniak, your time is up
Woz must go
Woz must go, not because of how he pains the readers of 'El Reg' but because his appearances in The Register and other technical publications gives him a veneer of authority with the "non-technical public."
He is not a good message carrier but is given an inordinate amount of respectability.