SURELY the US patent office must be corrupt and taking back handers, no one is this stupid right?
5 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Feb 2009
I think there is a place for everything, and I'm not pro local bookstore (I never visit mine), but what a terrible gift! It shows no thought or effort whatsoever. If I receive one I'll know the sender doesn't really care for me.
In my eyes it's another way computers aren't really improving things, convenience isn't everything.
I think there's a growing consensus that something isn't right with our government, the growing nanny state, the aiming everything at the lowest common denominator and removing responsibility for ourselves.
I agree with the coward above, what do we do? We're a terrible nation for being apathetic, surely something so fundamental is worth doing something about. I really don't want to have to move to NZ but every year it gets more tempting.