* Posts by Graham Lockley

442 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Aug 2006


OLPC czar shames Intel into board seat

Graham Lockley


'If you've got shares in Intel then good luck to you.

But grow the fuck up.'

Im missing something here, this seemed like the standard El Reg article complete with jaded sunglasses view, did I miss the Intel puffery bit ?

iPhones, iPhones and more iPhones

Graham Lockley


'Accepting that any manufacturer can foist us off with unfinished or faulty tatt is just stupid - it doesn't matter who the manufacturer is.'

Couldnt let this pass, is he referring to MS or Apple ?

<XP user and not an IFanboy>

Court denies stay of internet radio execution

Graham Lockley

I think they are right...

after all, shouldnt people pay to listen to music at every opportunity ? So what if a load of small stations that broadcast an eclectic mix of rarely heard artists will be forced off air.Its not like they play the kind of stuff that Pepsi/MacD/Coke etc. would like you to listen to so its obviously not viable.

75-year-old has world's fastest private internet connection

Graham Lockley

If only....

So some swedish granny gets a a 40gb connection, maybe she would have a word with NTL (oops sorry, Virgin) and give a little bandwidth to me. Maybe then this 4mb cable connection would actually run faster than the 512kb ADSL connection I had with BT...

Just a pipedream I suppose.

Canon Ixus 950 IS compact digital camera

Graham Lockley

Not being picky but

'This simple feature can make such a difference if you're remotely serious about photography. If the sun's high and bright in the sky or simply reflecting off snow-covered slopes, the ability to actually see the LCD monitor can be critical in framing a shot.'

Now maybe you understand why an optical viewfinder is so important ! I rarely rely on the lcd monitor to frame the shot, I regard it as something that is useful to review the pic and only use it for framing when the viewfinder is impractical.

Sony Ericsson shows shake-to-shuffle Walkman phone

Graham Lockley


The shake to control seems like a solution in search of a problem to me. Whilst I applaud the engineering design that went in to it I suspect that it is a 'cool' feature that wont be seen elsewhere

Old timer ices crazed squirrel with zimmer frame

Graham Lockley

HA !

'Guenther Mittelbaum, you're a dead man.


The Squirrel Liberation Militia'

Bunch of bloody splitters !


The Squirrel Liberation Front

Yahoo! fixes bug that gave free rein to user accounts

Graham Lockley

to much information

In a manner of speaking :)

Albanians swipe Bush's wristwatch

Graham Lockley

What the Hell !!

What were his minders doing allowing him to wear a watch in the first place !

Its a bit like me wandering round with a book on subatomic physics under my arm, looks good but I dont understand it !

Flaws galore in IE and Firefox

Graham Lockley

No JS here either

'Preventing these and many other yet unknown exploits is just as easy as installing the NoScript firefox extension.'

Have to agree, the NoScript plug-in should be installed by default. Of course it wont because it breaks a lot of sites and it requires some thought to go through the denied scripts. Joe Public isnt going to put up with the learning curve that entails.

Porton Down bio-terror tech re-used in odour-proof pants

Graham Lockley

No Chance !

A personal favourite snack is boiled eggs and pickled onions, do you think a little bit of carbon underwear stands a chance against the after effects of those ?

Bring it on :)

Command Windows with Powershell

Graham Lockley

Scary !

Do we really need a new replacement for the security nightmare that was Windows Scripting Host ?

I can almost see the 'Patch Tuesdays' lining up.....

Brit uploaders teach Yanks man-hug techniques

Graham Lockley

Humour is dead...

Well it would appear so from some of the reactions posted here.

Maybe the humour (note TWO U's in that word) is a little too British for some readers ;)

Royal Society unearths top secret nuclear research

Graham Lockley

And not one comment....

gives credit to the minds that considered problems that were faced many years later. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Internet radio stations rebuff pigopolists' 'compromise'

Graham Lockley

You mean to say...

>look at how hard it is to find an mp3 on the 'internet'

There are still MP3's out there ? I thought all that stuff disappeared once the evil Napster was defeated by the forces of truth and light ;)

RIM BlackBerry Curve 8300

Graham Lockley


'Or am I out of date?'

Dunno, Im using an E61 that seems to do all the above and more and deletes quite happily from my gmail account

Screen stars: Ten HDTVs on test

Graham Lockley

And now the real question

Ok lotsa luvverly kit to get the technophiles drooling but...

Is there anything worth watching on a £46,000 set ? So we get wonderful colours and Hi-Res definition to watch 'Richard and Judy' ???

Yeah my 'viewing experience' has improved beyond recognition ;)

Paris and Lara share a cell with rude speeder

Graham Lockley

Could I just say..

Im not intelligent enough to continue the 'comments' comments thread so how about you guys (girls) give us less intelligent types a break.

HTC takes a gamble with new brand and OS strategy

Graham Lockley


Having used an HTC device (MDA compact) for the last two years (prior to that it was a Motorola V600.. YUCK) I jumped ship back to Nokia for the first time in about 5 years (E61).

Yes there is plenty of software for the Windows Mobile etc. out there and yes the look and feel is pretty what (as an XP user) I would expect. Trouble is that a phone is a very personal thing and no matter how good the OS or supporting apps are, if it doesnt look/feel good in the palm of your hand then its not going to be as popular. The LG Chocolate has sold by the dozen simply because it looked cool, the fact that an awful lot of users complained about the touchpads sensitivity didnt stop it

The main problem is that HTC's devices appeal to the geek (yup thats me) but for most users the WM interface is a put off due to its complexity, most people I know take one look and say 'Nice but I could never understand how to use it'

The same people use computers regularly as part of their daily lives but a phone with the same (or similar) interface is too much.

Judge in tech trial says he 'doesn't know what a website is'

Graham Lockley

And your point is ?

'Evidence has emerged today that British judges exhibit wildly differing levels of IT competence'

No sh*t Sherlock ! Seems they reflect the make up of the rest of this isle.

Everything from ubergeek to 'Oh I have no idea how to even turn one on'

As the previous comment said, they seem perversly proud of their ignorance yet you never hear anyone saying ' Oh no I cant drive a car, wouldnt know where to start'

Maybe if we started openly pitying them for their ignorance the attitude might change.

Tiscali nets big broadband additions

Graham Lockley

Where are the good guys ?

I have been a happy Pipex customer for years, most unhappy customers seem to be the ones who joined after they decided to try and offer combined services.My point is that the way things are going eventually there will be no such thing as a 'pure' ISP and it will become harder to find access that isnt subject to shaping etc.

If this is how the net is going to evolve then maybe its time to get out, I dont want the Internet to be a 'shopping mall' sanitised experience with security guards telling me I cant do something/go somewhere because of an ISP policy.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted ...

How to enjoy media in any region

Graham Lockley

I dont believe this..

This is El Reg, supposedly a tech savvy site and Im reading a lot of comments that were made 5 years ago !

The encryption on DVD's was busted so long ago that this article has no relevance. Rip, Re-encode and Burn is the mantra that has existed for so long that this whole debate is meaningless.

WTO head optimistic about US compliance with WTO gambling rulings

Graham Lockley


'I guess you've never heard of creationism then... to the rest of the planet, christianity equals anti-science, anti-intellectualism and intolerance.'

Looks like a Pastafaari brother got in before me :)

Seriously, although the world is populated with a large number of reasonable 'live and let live' Christians it does seem that the narrow minded ones are the ones who gain power. Actually that accusation could be levelled at almost all faiths ( except Pastafarians of course).

Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 25 today

Graham Lockley

Chuckie Egg ?

Someone mentioned Chuckie Egg ? Jeez I thought it was only me got addicted to that little gem (on a Dragon 32 of course, PROPER keyboard)

In later years I never did figure why such a simple platform game was so good, it just was !

Lyrid meteors to sear Sunday's skies

Graham Lockley

But of course

seawater will see you right !

Well if you watched the abomination of a film that had the title it will, yet another example of Hollywood taking a great book and throwing out any semblance to the original story.

Need enhanced data security? Try a condom

Graham Lockley

Secure ?

I always wondered what a ' secure socket ' was when SSL was mentioned :)

Safari zero-day exploit nets $10,000 prize

Graham Lockley


'There is no one true OS. Each has their advantages and their floors. OS-X suits me at home and Linux suits me for my development work. I use XP on the rare occasions I play games'

I dont agree 100% with the choice of OS but thank god for some sanity amongst the flames. There is no truly secure OS, once a computer is turned on its vulnerable, never mind connected to network. OSX and Linux (by the nature of their roots) are inherently slightly more secure platforms but NOT bullet proof. Regardless of the OS used we each make a decision about relative security when we connect to the Internet, for some XP is the right balance between security and usability and for others its not.

Hormonally challenged teens refrain from abstinence

Graham Lockley

Isnt it obvious ?

The remaining 66% were so scared sh*tless by the graphical PowerPoint presentations of STD's that they pursued 'solo sex' :)

ATM blagger cuffed after artificial leg falls off

Graham Lockley

How appropriate..

... that this story should end up in 'Bootnotes' :)

US to issue Star Wars stamps

Graham Lockley

Who Cares ?

Being one of the majority non-Jedi of this country Im quite sure I can speak for millions and say *yawn*

So the American PO decided to raise some funds pumping out stamps 'honoring' a series of films in which only the first one was vaguely entertaining. Lets look forward to next years 'Pans Labyrinth' series, at least a little imagination will be on display :)

El Reg announces 'Black Cocks' headline awards

Graham Lockley


Strange how this compo gets posted just as we get the headline 'All-female species goes 100 million years without a shag'

Was the writer in any way thinking about the bottle of scotch ?

I demand an inquiry :)

'Bloody foreigners' is racist taunt, say Lords

Graham Lockley

Sod it

I hate everyone who isnt me, xenophobics and racists are bloody pansies in my eyes !!

Anyone care to reel out the number of laws I just broke ?


Bush team takes heat over global warming science

Graham Lockley

Oh dear

'Google this guy James Hansen'

I assume you mean 'do a search on the Internet' by that phrase ?

And of course, it being the Internet, we will all come back with masses of 'truth' about this ;)

Sorry, couldnt resist.

Orange SPV E600 email phone

Graham Lockley

Doesnt compare

Recently had the pleasure of playing with this phone (in its t-mobile incarnation) and all I can say is that its a very poor second to the Nokia E61. I looks and feels cheap to me and as noted the keyboard is awful. The display is way behind the E61 and for me the only saving grace was the use of WM5, Im familiar with 2003SE so it was easy to find my way round.

UK airline pilot sacked for sightseeing tour

Graham Lockley

I can see it now

Who read through that story and had a picture of Leslie Nielsen in the cockpit ? :)

Trio suspended for putting 'vagina' into Monologues

Graham Lockley

Sanity please

For gods sake ! This is just rebellious/naughty adolescent behaviour.

Regardless of any 'American' attitudes to sexuality, these are a couple of girls who did the usual ' lets rebel' thing that teens everywhere do. In twenty years time they will be pushing their rugrats round the mall just like all their classmates. We all did the rebel thing and we all made arses of ourselves in the process. Its called growing up.

US Navy research throws up vomit ray

Graham Lockley

Seen it all before

Looks like the local police must be employing similar weaponry here 'oop North'

A quick tour of any town centre around midnight will reveal potential trouble makers being incapacitated in a similar manner. Maybe the local breweries are on to something.........

Naomi Campbell to mop NY floors

Graham Lockley

Just a thought

If a cleaner does a bad job he/she gets threatened with the sack (same for most of us really) but if a supermodel does a bad job of cleaning what does she get threatened with ? To sack her would be a reward !

Irish donkey sex case shocks net

Graham Lockley

Bloody XP !!

Sodding MS cr*p !!

The calendar insists its March 3rd yet after reading this article I KNOW its April 1st ;)

James Cameron finds grave of Jesus & Son

Graham Lockley

So What ?

Once its aired the Christian movement will bring its media arm into play and a dozen debunking programs will be produced, each graded to appeal to the myriad types of believers.

And when the dust settles it will be business as usual, people will believe in some sort of god or not. Regardless of whether it is Christian, Islamic, Zionist etc. no minds will be changed and a significant proportion of the worlds population will continue to believe their own version of a fairytale.

I learned a long time ago not to argue with someone who had faith and this documentary wont change a thing, regardless of any 'truth' it may contain.

UN rebrands radiation

Graham Lockley

Another Victory

Yet again we Pastafarians get some free publicity, its obvious really.

The sun is warming and the reason is because all the pirates have gone.

Sorry but us Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster devotees knew this anyway but its nice to see some organisations acknowledging this :)

Orange SPV M3100 3G handset

Graham Lockley

Cant agree with the opinion about WM phones

'They "run" Windows, which perpetually crashes and is really slow'

Ummm.... my MDA compact last crashed about 7-8 months ago (nothing major, quick soft reset sorted it) and its fast enough to play Doom, listen to music and watch full length films.

I wont bother trying to counter the other points but will say that as an ex-Palm user ( 4 different models), Im happy with my MDA (no I dont like MS but pragmatism kicks in every now and then)

This new model looks interesting but I will wait and see, doesnt seem a huge step up from what I already have.
