* Posts by Graham Lockley

442 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Aug 2006


American 'football' goes 3D

Graham Lockley


>and the son of Art Modell, the Raven's owner from 1996 to 2004

Even the dreaded Wiki can supply better info than that ! Art Modell owned a team called the Browns and the name was changed after they left Cleveland, which means he owned the team slightly longer than suggested.

I love FOOTBALL (as played over the pond) but even I cant find much enthusiasm for the game mentioned, the Bolts should have no trouble with the lame Raiders.

Sirius satellite radio squashes 6-year-old bug

Graham Lockley


>Exploitation of the flaw could underscore the growing risk of satellite radio piracy

Damn, does this mean I wont be able to record satellite radio in all its lo-def glory and complete with ads anymore ?

Shame, guess I will have to download some drm and ad free music instead. Or just tune in to yet another streaming radio station..

Or maybe the risk of satellite radio piracy is greater than the actual occurence/desirability ?

Seems they have fixed a flaw that nobody was interested in exploiting.

MacBook buyers bite Apple over copy protection cock-up

Graham Lockley

@Kenny Millar

>I bet you were one of those who said it was a bad idea to let go of the floppy drive at the time too.

Trolling is a dying art if thats the best you can do !

With regards to floppies, lets put it in perspective. When Apple decided they were old hat the rest of the world were sneaker-netting stuff around offices on a daily basis. A request for a copy of a doc from a Mac user at that time would have bought embarassed mumbles and little else.

Apple (and MS) keep trying to do the 'we know best' while the rest of the world just goes about its business.

Bloody Factard (TM), get a life !

(Im sure the US copyright system will allow me to register the synergis of 'F*ckwit' and 'M*ctard' )

Apple rescinds version change App Store ban

Graham Lockley


>even though they have to take them in to have all the malware sucked off them every two weeks

Having had three WinMo and two Nokia smartphones, having installed dozens of apps on all them, I dont recall EVER having malware/virii on any of them ?

How ironic that the WinMo platform is the most open and the Iphone the most closed when it comes to the owners ability to install the apps of their choice. The apparent capriciousness of Apples app store with regards to what is acceptable is one more reason my next phone will either run Android or WinMo (or if Nokia ever gets its act together, mabye even S60). I stress apparent, because they may have good reasons for their decisions but they are p*ss poor at explaining them and I dont want to feel that some small app I have come rely on may be withdrawn at a moments notice (and possibly wiped from my phone).

AT&T cops to Jesus Phone-as-modem app

Graham Lockley

No I wont

>stop calling it the Jesus phone

Ok, beJaysusphone, JobsPhone, JesusitsonlyaPhone, so many possibilities.

Now lets discuss the Apple lock-in for apps, AT&T operator abuse etc. that was the REAL point in the article.

Get a life, get a dishwasher.

Cream drummer may flash ginger nuts in court

Graham Lockley

@Sceptical Bastard

>rolled copy of Melody Maker in the pocket

Ahh the Daily Fail of music journalism, a man of taste indeed !

Mines the one with the rolled up copy of NME in it ;)

Just joking dude :)

Palin didn't know Africa is a continent, McCain aides say

Graham Lockley

Truth is ... ?

'Fox News'

Sorry but at that point all credibility flew out the window, Palin has just gone up a few points in my estimation purely because of the 'source'.

Lies, damn lies and Fox

Led Zeppelin plan Plant-free tour

Graham Lockley
IT Angle

FFS !!

I can just about put up with the story about Peaches Geldof (the IT connection is tenous but still just there) but this ?? Zep were over-rated even in their heyday so why the hell have they been mentioned now ?

Oh wait, maybe theres a science angle. Jurrasic Park/Dinosaurs/DNA maybe ?

Meh !

(Awaits flames from doddering Zep Heds)

Samsung Innov8 i8510 eight-megapixel cameraphone

Graham Lockley

Nope, no title

< insert obligatory pro/anti J-phone comment here>

Controversial ad serving firm Adzilla pulls out of the US

Graham Lockley

Oh joy

>enhance the online ecosystem experience

These bottom-feeders have enhanced everybodies experience by kicking their sordid plans into touch !

Oooh I feel enhanced already :)

Canon PowerShot SX110 IS

Graham Lockley


I agree with your comments about the viewfinder, my other reason for wanting one is that in certain light conditions the screens are very difficult to use accurately.

I will stick with my Pana FZ-18 for these reasons, oh and the 28-500 Leica zoom is nice :)

Fish snapped snacking at 4,200 fathoms

Graham Lockley

@Kristian Nilssen

>Who would have thought that thing shaped like fish, smell like fish and taste like fish would SWIM like fish!

Sorry mate but I was highly impressed by the video. Yeah they are pretty unimpressive compared to a lot of other creatures (yeah I thought bleached tadpoles as well) but when you consider the depth/temperature they are working at then its a beautiful piece of film.

Lets hope this project brings more of these scenes back, maybe all those sad Virgin space tourists could be convinced to pay for a trip with a real purpose.

iPhone squares up to Android

Graham Lockley

@Ivan Headache

>My iPod touch shows me where I am. It doesn't tell me where to go - I make that decision.

>I think a company ought to have more faith in the intelligence of its employees.

Ever tried driving through a strange city trying to find a location you have never heard of before ? I suspect you wouldnt be very popular with the local traffic police when you have to stop every few hundred yards to check the screen on your Pod :)

The point behind turn-by-turn traffic systems (TomTom et al) is that you dont need to look at the screen while driving(spoken instructions) and a little common sense usually means you avoid driving into rivers.

Judge traps RealDVD in legal limbo

Graham Lockley

A question mark IS a title

Real vs Hollywood

...and the good guys are ?

LG KS360 Qwerty keyboard phone

Graham Lockley

Wait for it...

<insert J-phone wars comment here>

French boffin: Mac Pros emit toxic fumes

Graham Lockley

The smell of a bad Apple

Sorry, temptation was too great :)

How many terabytes can you fit on a 2.5-inch hard drive?

Graham Lockley


>the future is likely with the SSD?

Im sure Sandisk et al would like this to be the case but current tech has proved to be a little disappointing in terms of performance and longevity. Its early days though, if there is a market demand then no doubt they will solve these problems eventually.

Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording ? Sounds a little like the old Magneto-Optical drives !

Vendors launch sticker chart to boost 3G take-up

Graham Lockley

Uh Oh!

>With effectively-unlimited data tariffs

You are obviously not an Orange customer, 256mb a month for £7.50 !!!

And as pointed out above, calling these 3G services 'broadband' is being more than a little economical with the truth.

German developers forge Iron from Chrome

Graham Lockley

Ok I will bite on this

gave up on Chrome when I coudnt stop GoogleUpdater from loading ( deleted the bugger, that eventually stopped it). Will try this out of curiosity.

As to those complaining about Iron, its German FFS of course its going to be Iron (or Steel).

Damien Hirst buys Paris porn collage

Graham Lockley

Better than the original

Very flattering portrait of a not very attractive woman IMHO, the pron is just a bonus and a reminder of why this 'talented heiress' has been in the public eye at all.

UK WoW fans plead for Lich King Collector's Edition

Graham Lockley

having trouble with this

At what point did WOW replace Real Life(TM) ? More importantly, whats the IT angle ? Ahhhh, obsessiveswith no tan and a fear of reality, its a Tech Support story :)

WOW is up there with Sad Life for those whose social skills could use a little honing so all this bitching about expansion packs is rather non-news.

Kentucky commandeers world's most popular gambling sites

Graham Lockley

I'm missing the point

Errr, all those 'casino' sites are up and running, at least here in the UK. Did something happen that I wasnt aware of ?

Hands on with the T-Mobile G1

Graham Lockley
Paris Hilton


Yup, plus nobody seems to have noticed that its a FIRST LOOK not a review. I tried out the J-Phone on a couple of occasions and had over an hour to play and decide it wasnt for me and eventually got a Touch Diamond. Eventually I will have an hour or so with one of these (mate is a T-mobile manager so I know I can have a play when I want) and I'll make up my mind then. As to the looks,well it does look rather like a Sidekick and that seemed to find favour with a certain Ms. Hilton.......

Yeah, maybe it is cheap and tacky :)

Sky drops download limit and tops satisfaction poll

Graham Lockley

Bandwidth costs money

As the title says, shifting those bytes costs the ISP's money. After suffering a VM cable connection for a few months (BBC site timed out at 6pm on a regular basis) I'm cynical about any 'unlimited' claims. Packet shaping is almost certainly used by nearly all ISP's now so Sky are probably no different. The big difference is that NOTHING would tempt me to put money into the hands of the Dirty Digger, no matter how good the company they bought are (look it up, it ends with NET).

I strongly suspect the 'no limits' is a loss leader designed to win market share, lets see how quickly its dumped once its done its job.

OMFG, what have you done?

Graham Lockley


All the changes are ok, generally sprucing up the site (and I dont give a fat rats arse about the icons) but ......


Down with the Reg Style Nazis !

Aunty Beeb can spruce up without resorting to fixed width, why cant you ? Ok, there might be a SLIGHT difference in budget.

Not happy about having to hit Ctrl+ every time I visit.

Mozilla security chief: Apple should open up

Graham Lockley

Safety through obscurity

Wasnt that MS's view on things ? Seems that the Kool Aid drinkers have been trying to ape MS of old ' yeah we know about security, we just aint telling you '

Sony Ericsson confirms Xperia X1 UK launch

Graham Lockley

@Andrew Fenton

>A camera on a phone means rubbish pictures, full stop.

There are a couple of Nokia models with Zeiss ( if I remember correctly) lenses that are far from rubbish. A friend who is an ex-pro photographer is happy to keep his in his pocket for those moments when he doesnt have his EOS to hand. The results are excellent and he can make calls with it as well !

The point is that no camera/phone is ever going to be as good as a dedicated camera but some of them will come close enough to be acceptable.

Oh and to the Psion lovers/ WM haters... try it sometime, its a flexible platform that allows almost infinite customisation and has a sh*tload of software for almost every need. Ironic really, of the all the mobile platforms its the MS one that is most open :)

Windows Mobile 6 blamed for Xperia X1 woes

Graham Lockley

An odd story

HTC have been producing good WM phones for quite a while (will own up, Ive had a couple and they are reliable workhorses) but SE cant manage it ?

Even stranger is the fact that HTC are producing this phone for Sony, so whats going on ? Shame really, I thought HTC's WM experience combined with Sonys style savvy may have made this something to look forward to. The reality is probably that Sony with its huge corporate(bureaucratic ) structure and HTC's smaller/lighter structure simply couldnt communicate properly.

Hopefully they can hash out the problems between them coz the previews have shown a damn desirable phone.

Feds cuff blogger for Guns N' Roses leak

Graham Lockley


>but to say he had no talent..? Naughty Graham, naughty..

Sorry but from the moment I first heard GnR I thought it sounded like a tired spandex rehash, nothing since then has altered my opinion. But then I felt the same about Kiss..

/Asbestos is our friend

Graham Lockley

Music ?

Not often Mr Roses name and music get used in the same sentence. It tends to be more associated with the phrase 'completely without talent or any redeeming value'

Samsung unwraps MacBook Air beater

Graham Lockley

We dont need no steeenkin titles gringo

Ignore all the Air nonsense and it looks quite a nice specced lappy, I like the maroon lid in one of the shots, very smart.

Bloomberg kills Steve Jobs

Graham Lockley

@Red Bren

>When Thatcher finally goes, there will be two queues at her grave - one for mourners, one for dancers.

I seem to recall a certain well known novelist saying he planned to p*ss on her grave but he would have to take a step ladder because it would be 6 feet deep by the time he got his turn.

'We'll stand there laughing and stamp the dirt down' - The Real Elvis

Android's missing Bluetooth: Limitations laid out

Graham Lockley


>you're going after a, rapidly expanding, installed user-base who appreciates the whole iTunes end-to-end user experience, the silky interface and, yes, even the hype around Apple products

Ahh, you mean the sheeple

Sorry, couldnt resist :)

Microsoft dishes dirt on IE8 'pr0n mode'

Graham Lockley


>You mean that you don't regularly have unprotected sex with several large-breasted ladies simultaneously, who you just met after going round to fix their washing machine? I feel sorry for you mate - happens to me all the time.

You bastard !! You owe me a new monitor to replace the one I just sprayed beer over after reading your post :)

Anatomy of a malware scam

Graham Lockley

Missed point

Thanks Jesper for a well written and presented article, it was interesting to see how determined the malware writers were to get money out of the victim.

To all those above who give detailed explanations about how they are protected from such scams, consider this. You are not 'average' users, you have some vague idea about how computers work. For 99% of the population, computers are a flashy tool that just works regardless of what OS is installed. Social engineering of this type will always strike home when the user has some vague notion about virii etc.

Personally I dont have an answer to this sort of attack, the obvious answer is to educate users but to be really succesful this would involve a 'licence' to own a computer.

As long as computers are sold in 'white goods' stores then there is going to be a steady stream of customers for 'Antivirus 2008' and its ilk.

WiMax to cover 1 billion by 2012, says Intel

Graham Lockley


Somebody PLEASE buy some of this kit then it will become old hat and we can quietly ignore Intel when they push some poor sod out to rah-rah it. It's slowly going from ubiquitous to niche right before our eyes.

Russell Crowe to play Bill Hicks?

Graham Lockley

Kinda nice..

.. to see I aint the only one who still enjoys Bills stuff. I suspect his reaction to this proposal would have been along the lines of 'Hey, WTF, just pay me my royalty along with a fucking big bag of drugs and a few nubile virgins and Im cool with it'

Russell Crowe as Goatboy...... Im having a hard time with this thought people.

Pandora prepares to join titsup.com club

Graham Lockley


Ok, who hasnt QUITE got the hang of the keyboard on his shiny new j-Phone ?

Fake FOTW's are better done on a proper keyboard, 9/10 for content, 3/10 for presentation...


Ten of the Best... Bluetooth Stereo Headphones

Graham Lockley

Wires ? No thanks

For me the whole point of using Bluetooth is for those times when the wires get in the way and a dongle round the neck negates this. Most phones/mp3 players are small/light enough that they can be worn round the neck with wired phones that are usually better quality and cheaper. I want true wires free while Im working so that Im not constantly catching a wire and pulling an earpiece out.

GlobalSign revokes cert of rogue security app

Graham Lockley

@A J Stiles

I will immediately send a mail to MS asking for the Vista source code before I risk installing it. You volunteering to check it ?


Fake feet trip up Olympic opening coverage

Graham Lockley

@kain preacher

>O c.mon. I'm sure they would spring for an Amiga

Yeah with that awsome light synth that Jeff Minter did to create the light show. Would be nice if there was a version that would run on the GFX cards we have now...sigh

VIA heralds end of third-party PC chipset biz

Graham Lockley

Still Running

Still running a KT7A here as rip/encode/burn machine and its as stable as hell. Still have one or two bad memories of AMD K62's on VIA chipsets tho....

ColorWare's colourful iPhone 3G

Graham Lockley

@Steven Raith

>JPS Black 'n' Gold for teh w1n.

Oh yes and and can we have an FW09-Green and White as well ?

As a long time Broncos fan I like the 'Orange Crush' idea as well.

iPhone fans shun credit crunch

Graham Lockley

Uh Oh

Does this mean Motorolas 'Uber Chav-Phone' title may be in danger ? Nah, 90% of chavs couldnt afford the J-Phone contract, expect a Rhinestone version of these cases for Razr's to be on your local street market soon.

Easy iPhone 3G unlocking for $30?

Graham Lockley

@You forgot to mention that OSX is really Linux

My previous posts here should indicate I'm no big fan of Apple but PLEASE stop trotting out the old chestnut about OSX being Linux based. Google is your friend, Google wont lie to you (much). Even so try searching, you might find where OSX's real roots are.

Olympus SP-570 UZ 'superzoom' camera

Graham Lockley


I used to love Olympus cameras back in the (35mm) day but this seems a little overpriced. My Lumix FZ18 has pretty much everything on offer here at nearly half the price. Ok its a bridge camera and quality at lower light levels isnt going to win awards, the important thing is that it suits my needs without the expense of a full blown DSLR. This camera simply doesnt justify the extra cost when compared to an entry level DSLR.

Oh well, back to fondling my OM-2 and OM-10's ..

Apple's secret iPhone app blacklist

Graham Lockley

@your are mostly all nerds!

>obviously no girlfriend to speak of

Umm sorry to disapoint but I DO have a girlfriend, I just hope to christ the wife doesnt find out !!!


Seriously, its called argument/debate/banter, you should try it sometime. Reading El Reg is only the same as picking up a newspaper every day, you spend 30 mins or so browsing the stories and another 30 mins chuckling at some of the comments.

Of course your 'losers' comment suggests you are a mega-rich head of a multi-national company, no ?

Too much money? Bling your iPhone with the $1000 app

Graham Lockley

@Darren B

Head up North, a pint of bitter in my local is £1.38 !!

OK so the town centre places charge closer to £2 but I can live with that.

Whats that in the distance ? Oh no ! Coach loads of Southern alcoholics !!


Jobs in 'Apple not perfect' shock

Graham Lockley


Your OS experience roll-call is similar to mine (chuck in a brief experience of Flex on a Dragon 64 amongst others) but our conclusions are happily different. No I dont care for OSX, I find it iritating and patronising, but happily the world is big enough for both of us :)

Why flying cars are better than electric ones

Graham Lockley

No change

Doesn't matter how automated you make the systems, you will still end up with some arsehole in what looks like an overgrown cab with a 'Discovery' badge on it approx six inches from your rear...
