* Posts by carlleigh

5 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2009

The Linux Chronicles, Part 1


Simply require support of standard file formats.

ppsx should look and work the same in Microsoft Office as it does in Impress, if it doesn't it is probably the fault of Microsoft, the programs are saving files with a slightly modified format - remember standards may be published binaries are not or a feature in the Powerpoint file format hasn't been implemented yet in Impress. Being standard and published it should be added by the programmers at OpenOffice.

Do you get it? Create in Power Point test in Impress. Create in Impress test in Power Point.

If you are a company I own stock in you better be working on saving money. If you have a person that can't do it with Impress maybe you should be retiring the old fellow or gal and hiring someone that is more flexible/capable/younger.

If you are a Government agency it is obvious that incompatibility is a part of the Microsoft offering. My advice - require standard and open file formats. 100% of your users should be able to open it now and probably 100 years from now. If you go with proprietary and slyly changing formats you will find that many of your users cannot use your service or open your files.

For example: in the United States I suspect that Obama could publish an executive order directing the executive branch of the Government to use standard open file formats and that would be it.......

PHPers prefer Windows desktop to Linux


I'll add another. How about Linux's biggest advantage - It just works!

The only real advantage that Microsoft really has is a monopoly on file formats. It is the file format thing that keep customers locked in and buying new versions of the OS and applications.

The advantage that Linux has is that the file thing just works.

If someone creates a file today and saves it in an open or published format they should be able to open it twenty years from now. Or even a hundred. Try and say that for Microsoft.

By experience files not opening properly for a customer in Linux is most often the result of some Microsoft gotcha, an unpublished format or changing standard. In fact year to year isn't that the biggest reason that people buy Windows is just to be able to continue communicating. If you don't upgrade it is then broken. In other words it "Just Doesn't Work.

Microsoft's biggest advantage is also its final nail in the coffin.

Students get deep Windows 7 price break


Who is supporting the new Window 7

First anonymous@cowturd am using a Lexmark C532n color laser and Ubuntu's 8.04 through 9.04 + various netbook remix's. Not a problem. Exactly how long has it been since you actually used or tried Linux.

Second who supports this cheap Windows 7. Is this a way for Microsoft to get Windows 7 on computers that the manufactures/OEM's know will not work and do not wish to support.

If you buy a computer from an OEM with an OEM copy the OEM supports Windows/Drivers and all. If you upgrade through the OEM they still support you Windows/Drivers and all. If you buy from Microsoft then Microsoft will be supporting you. (What do they know about drivers for your computer.)

Sound like a snafu all around. This way Microsoft gets the OS on your computer and when it doesn't work says it the manufactures fault. When you contact the manufacturer they tell you its Microsofts fault. They didn't sell you the OS after all and yes they have no intention of upgrading the drivers.

1. Best to buy a new computer and still pay next to nothing for the OS. 2. Test release candidate first before making any upgrades.

Linux chief challenges Microsoft to pony up on patents


Time for Linux to do some sueing!

I thought it was quite funny when Microsoft sued Buffalo for patent infringement for some of their NAS devices. Apparently Microsoft claimed some of Buffalo Linux based devices infringed on Microsoft patents.

From Wikipedia - about devices: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_network-attached_storage_series

What was sad was Buffalo made some kind of financial agreement with Microsoft and also stated that in the future they would be doing more Microsoft OS NAS storage products.

I've never heard of Buffalo giving back to the open source community. Most of their other products seem to be very unfriendly to the Linux community. About time someone checked their use of GPL, etc. etc. They made big bucks with Linux. Their dissing of Linux seem bad faith.

'Lenny': Debian for the masses?


Don't feed the troll and don't reviewers do basic research.


As for Alex. "Please do not feed this troll"


The reviews biggest error:

KDE, XFCE, Bussiness Card, Net Install, Live and etc. etc. etc.

www.debian.com - Left hand column choose: CD ISO Images.

Down the page click link: Download CD/DVD images using HTTP or FTP.

# Great Britain: debian-iso.mirror.anlx.net: FTP HTTP

# Great Britain: debian.virginmedia.com: FTP

# Great Britain: ftp.ticklers.org: FTP HTTP

# Great Britain: www.mirrorservice.org: HTTP

CD's 1-20.iso












Etc. etc.