* Posts by Sunil

6 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Feb 2009

What if IBM doesn't buy Sun?


The Sun may still shine.

Sun will be fine, with or without IBM.

I'd be more concerned about the scare Sun is giving it's clients, with all this talk of selling out.

This acquisition plan is probably being driven by Southwestern Asset management, which own many % of Sun stock... But many within Sun still think that they can turn things around. Many, me included, don't want to sell out.

IBM 'in talks' to buy Sun Microsystems


What happens to Sun hardware?

I work in Sun's hardware division. It looks like IBM will not be interested in Sun's hardware and servers... does that mean I'll be out of a job after this merger? I do believe that things are turning upwards in the hardware division... too bad we're all going to be benched. Nevermind, I'll just go somewhere else and innovate for someone else. :-)

Dell introduces 10in netbook

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Nice! I'm getting pretty disgusted with Apple these days.

Linux on a Atom processor? Cool! Maybe I'll buy one.

Brit, French nuke subs collide - fail to 'see' each other


Watch it Mr. Eastwood...

The British government seems more interested in convincing us that their sub was "fully able to launch missiles" despite the mishap, rather than address the real issues that should be taking centerstage - what if the men on the subs had died?, what if there was a nuclear spill?