Oh dear oh dear oh dear
"We're required under current EU law to have an ID cards"
No, we're not. And even if we *were* there's no requirement for them to be linked to your bank account, land title deads etc. etc.
From the article:
"National Identity Register will have very limited access, stringent security and no risk of 'discs flying around', MPs have been told."
Err, didn't they say that they sell access to anyone ?
"fewer than 100 people will have access to the National Identity Database"
That's a lie then, at a guess ?
"In rare cases the security services will be able to access the database, but not the NHS"
So the whole 'id cards help you get treated in hospital' spin is buggered then, as they'll now just look your name up on the NHS Spine from your credit card ?
What a even more expensive and silly exercise this is turning into.
Maybe it's time you all joined your local http://no2id.net group...