Enhanced Flash ?
They don't mean hardware accelerated Flash Player, do they ? After all, it's just a bytecode VM... and given the announcement yesterday from Adobe about bringing Player 10 to everything except the iWank...
292 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2007
Reading from part 3:
" 12.—(1) In the case of internet telephony, the user ID or telephone number of the intended
recipient of the call.
(2) In the case of internet email or internet telephony, the name and address of the subscriber or
registered user and the user ID of the intended recipient of the communication. "
So, err, just use Skype (or other encrypted transport such as a SSH tunnel) to defeat it. Madness. Couldn't the money be better spend *not* screwing us over ?
Although officially Adobe "only supports a few select Linux distributions", the AIR runtime should run on just about anything made in the last year or so, basically as long as it can find the libraries it needs, it'll be fine.
See the last two questions on http://blogs.adobe.com/air/2008/12/tips_on_resolving_application.html for instance.
"massive random noise will [not] prevent you from being profiled by the proposed government interception system, despite the many idiotic comments to the contrary"
Not if everyone/large numbers of otherwise not 'persons of interest' produces random noise ... It's like the poll tax or ID cards, if more than some relatively small number of people need to be prosecuted or flagged for further investigation, the whole system screws up because we run out of court/police time.
"you can't cry about a law being unfair when you're wantonly breaking the law".
Unless, of course, you didn't break it and have just been mis-identified.
It's impossible (as has been demonstrated in the US) to prove which person did it, which has led to everyone from grandmothers to people with no computer being sent to court. Imagine you (a law abiding citzen) have just been disconected from the internet without due process or a chance to put your case.
'Computer Misuse Act has also been changed to make it an offence to make, adapt, supply or offer to supply any [program] which is "likely ... to assist in the commission of, [a hacking or unauthorised modification or DoS] offence'
Umm ? There goes everything from ping to nmap ... their 'likely to assist', right ?
"CardSpace has its own user interface, built into the browser, so it is hard for a phishing site to fake it"
When I've stopped laughing, I'll be able to ask you if you were awake when you wrote that... *Even if* MS has managed to build the imposable (a non spoofable GUI) what on Earth makes you think a user will be able to spot the different betwen the one 'built into the browser' and the very similar one embeded into the web page ?
Geez. And ti runs on spoofable DNS too. Handy.
Oh well. Another MS tech, to ignore, who prints this rubbish :-)