"Jobs bloodbath at Rolls"
Am I the only one that thought Stevie had gone on a killing spree from that sub-title?
33 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2009
"the service's Space and Missile Center and Space Command are in favour of the RBS concept. This... says that the RBS is seen as the best way to reduce overall space launch costs"
So would that involve spending all their money, having nothing to show for it in the end and then getting the goverment to bail them out then?
"Yes its a new round of taxation and monitoring. 'Carbon Limits' will be set for houses and if you go over certain limits you'll be charged a carbon tax etc.etc."
They could always learn from the ISP's and offer an 'unlimited' service.
The fine print shall read thus: "Boil a kettle before 2am and you will be throttled to a single dily glowing blub. If you turn on said bulb you will be cut off completely"
“The monitoring of the internet has gone on long enough,” Reporters Without Borders said today in a prepared statement. “We urge the British authorities to amend their legislation regulating Internet use instead of than arbitrarily monitoring content. Such behaviour is unworthy of a country that claims to be democratic and makes us very concerned for the future of the Internet in Britan. We call for the revision of Jacqui Smith's position that led to this unwarranted intrusion.”
Her next method to end violence to women will be seperation. All women to the east and men to the west.
Perhaps we could build a wall down the center of the country just to make sure?
And all that extra wall space for cameras! Perfect!
Population might take a bit of a hit, but im sure allowing imigrants in will solve that.
Oh if only I were joking :(
“in every situation in which a violent rampage has occurred”, the perpetrator had an “addiction to so-called killer games”.
So what console did Genghis Khan own? Or did he just spend all his time playing GTA: Mongol?
Stop sign: Because even on horseback you race through them.