Filters Already Exist
Th gov issued a little noticed KITE mark called PAS 74,
its basically the BECTA internet safety filter for consumers
Clearly cos the gov issued it PAS 74 was ridiculously expensive to obtain so no one bothered, then the gov issued the UHA pronouncement ( providing disadvantaged children with devices/connectivity/o/s, e-security etc., ) said pronouncement comes with a promise of £365m of funding and guess what
a requirement that the devices to be supplied come with pre installed filtering to PAS 74 level.......
so the ans to the uninformed ladies questions is its on its way already thanks to the government making it a requirement to obtain UHA money (lots of it in a credit crunch!)
also independently the Intel Classmate and a couple of other Netbooks can be delivered with a filter pre-installed.
And despite what other posters say the filter needs to be device based (imaged or otherwise un-removable) and ISP independent and configurable by parents so that Dad's (and mums) can set up a rule blocking spotty johnny from porn whilst allowing themselves the luxry after the 9pm watershed naturally!!!!!