Yellow - oh we are are we?
Let's not pussy foot around the issue, it's because of the septics (and their kind) that i have to:
(1) Stand outside the pub for a fag while the womens institute play volley ball in the pub cresh.
(2) Listen to my kids end their sentences an octave above when they started speaking.
(3) Be concerned with the Pitt, Jolie, Aniston love triangle.
(4) Not be concerned that American football is just an excuse for grown men to dress up as tampons.
(5) Be impressed when a wrangler wearing in-bred lasoos a 6 month old calf with a broken leg, while onlookers cry at the site of a parachutist entering the rodeo arena while playing 'the star spangled banner on a nose flute.
If you are so hard, Mr. Yankee Doodle Dandy, get over here with your mates for a proper rumble (thats another thing the 'let's get ready to rumble' debarcle before a boxing match........Remeber the Lewis, Tison fight?) Incidentaly, if you would be so kind as to leave that very large weapon at home and read up on the Queensbury Rules on the flight over..........that's of course if there are any flights coming out of America as they tend to be grounded if a wasp enters the departure lounge!..........Oh yes - 9-11, don't you mean 11 -09 or are you too soft to even put your day before your month?
If you are after my contact details they are - Carol Thatcher, BBC House, London, Blighty