* Posts by Mat

22 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2007

Apple lobs $100 credit at iPhone buyers


Stop lower prices

People should get together and DEMAND that prices do not drop - this anti-inflation crusade from Apple is sickening, there's only one direction a price should go and that is up. Otherwise people will be confused and be left wandering around streets with extra money in their pockets, not knowing what to do with it, possibly causing lop-sided walks which can be a HEALTH HAZARD. Important point that - I hope Apple is putting a suitable warning on the box of all the newer, cheaper iPhones ... akin to the "having speakers up full might be loud" ones they were forced to use.

Microsoft promises less-annoying Vista OS early next year


massage my buttocks

"additional improvements to the IT administration experience."

That would be the buttock massagers then.

"...the whole idea of computing is to get your work done, fast, and enjoy it while you do that."

Not sure if it could be said Microsoft ever really got that concept but it's lost I think irredeemably at this stage - they have gone too far and beyond that now for sure where it cannot be spotted anywhere on the vista at all.

Apple readies Mac OS X-based iPods?



Hmmm, audio playback on the current iPhone lasts for 24 hours, a greater length of time than the Video iPods reported audio playback time of 20 hours. So, not sure where the sudden knicker twisting on battery life is coming from, it surely will be even better if the next iPod is designed on a stripped down iPhone?

Apple squeezes out iPhone update before Black Hat



I think I've lead a pretty sheltered life on the internet over the last decade and a half or so, as "troll" I only discovered the meaning of some months ago and now "commentard" has entered my online lexicon... for better or worse.

Anyhow, spent the last three weeks trialling software to protect my Win PC as my Norton subscription is just up now. Trying hard to find something that doesn't slow the PC down ridiculously or pop up pop-ups when I don't want them etc whilst my girlfriend sits across from me happily getting on with life on her Mac - personally, now looking forward to joining those Mac obscuri-tards, when budget allows, with their arrogant, self-satisfied safety stuff...

eBay 'Buy It Now' button survives latest attack



On that point, I was down in my local supermarket this morning and they had these small, round, orange objects in a basket inside the door which they were calling "mandarins" - surely China should sue?

Why the iPhone is a success


lanyard attached

The one thing that keeps getting repeated here in these comments by those that want to de-evangelise the iPhone is the rush to skip quickly past the new UI and proclaim nothing else new etc etc

Which is a bit like being given a nice SE W960 phone and just reviewing the lanyard. The iPhone is about the interface, it can't be dismissed if you wish to make objective comment.

(ps that guy above who doesn't take his mp3 player out on his bike because it's "too heavy" really needs to get an iPod shuffle)

Xbox 360 Elite to raid Europe next month


X Crox

Think MS need to man up and re-engineer this thing completely. Okay, they rushed it to get a head start on PS3, fairly understandable ploy, but the failure rates recently revealed are truly shocking. I would not want to risk the hassle of getting a nice new shiny toy that turns out to have all the entertainment value of a plastic brick (with three little red lights on it), even if it is an "elite" dead brick.

Apple emasculates the iPhone


astral projection

Think the problem here is not whether or not it has flaws but article writers perceiving non-existent flaws, or projecting their own flaws onto the device. There's plenty enough issues to be genuinely informing people about without just spamming non-issues into the ether too.


Did anyone check the facts?

How come this article is still up and available to be read when it is full of inaccuracies? Reading through that article had the effect of making me feel embarrassed by proxy, I'd hate to have allowed something like that get onto my site.

Well, not unless the only point of the article is to stir up the diatribes again of course?

Apple 8GB iPhone components 'cost $220'



If they make everything in china, does it not break easily? Must hold in heat something terrible too - wonder how they get around that? But I guess that's innovation for ya.

Apple iPhone


re Must buy iPhone

"Apple are being clever, because they know that the mac fanboys will buy anything they throw at them and say "look, it's shiny!", at any price."

Nope, still don't get it Christopher: It is our duty to protect the Apple fanboys from buying things they like? We must try stop "Clever"-ness? Stamp out choice? Bring down Apple before they go make more innovative things?

What is it? Because it just reads to me like some people think they must take a personal crusade to debase Apple products? And the only people I'd imagine that want to do that are salesmen to rival companies, certainly not customers looking for choice.

(ps: I'm fairly sure I did not literally mean anybody was being forced into anything - kind of was the point actually)


Must buy iPhone

As regards Jeremy's point, re-iterated later, that a phone is just a phone, a camera a camera ... I personally don't really like going out in the morning looking like a commando, with cheap phone in one pocket, pda in another, camera wedged down here and gps wrapped over there.. etc etc. All in one devices are quite nice for those of us who prefer travelling light ... It's a nice option to have.

Which reminds me - what is this: "some of us equally still object to paying over the odds for cute pieces of fluff"? I can't grasp this idea that Apple is forcing people to buy the iPhone and MUST BE resisted. If the market likes the fluff, can afford the fluff, it will buy the fluff. Otherwise the fluff will accumulate and eventually get vacuumed away. But seriously, it is okay Jay, at no point will you be forced to buy the iPhone.

WinMobile user myself, by the way, but like innovative, well built things and have never felt threatened or uncomfortable watching people buy things I don't particularly want. And that hands on dragging and expanding stuff is pretty cool.

Brand-name reviews give iPhone the thumbs-up



I've sent a single MMS in my entire life... and that was just to see if it worked ...

Strong laptop demand drives Apple US retail share to 13%


X rated

I'd say that's fairly unlikely - it is far too much in Microsoft's interest to keep Apple down as much as possible, at this stage, especially with Vista being so poor and Apple yet to release another upgrade to theirs. But you're right, wide acceptance of the OS will not come til people can take their pick of games to run on the platform.

I also think people hear are giving far too much yardage to the "Apple OS is a toy" comment - I seriously doubt that poster has experience of an OS more advanced than the one the Xbox is wrapped in, nevermind uses Linux. Anyone with any experience of current IT recognises the Apple OS as a leading, if not the leading, OS at present.

YouTube hits iPhone



I already play youtube stuff directly on my telly thanks to the Wii but it would be fun to have the option to stream to an iPhone also.

Not sure what the whinging is about here - it's good to have things available and have more options not less... Someone said having this on the iPhone is a negative! In god's name why? If you don't want features, just carry a small brick around in your pocket - no ringtones, no games, no wifi, everything not there ... brilliant!?

Otherwise, I get the sense of people's complaint's being phone x has feature a, phone y has feature b, phone z has a c, thereby rubbishing the fact that iPhone has a, b and c. Whereas, I think it's looking like a quite nice complete(-ish) package but, also, I don't actually have to buy it... I can pick something else too if I want ....

Good luck to Apple - hope it sells very well for them and I expect the fall out will be a market with more options and more feature rich in general. Which is a "good" thing (by the way).

Apple buyout rumours circulate as iPhone launch nears


Lame stuff ...

That's a really crap article you have there! Reads more like a forum post on some off topic thread. C'mon, this is a good site in general - please raise your standard in future and leave the (very) vacuous rumours and cat-y comments to the general press.

Apple patches more than a dozen holes in OS X


re No viruses here either...

That was essentially my point, though perhaps being too oblique about it: the previous poster never mentioned having anti-virus software because it is a given, any Microsoft OS system must be boarded up and guarded before browsing whereas a Linux or Mac OS is not anywhere near as vulnerable and users in general can browse without having to take extra measures to protect their system at all.

That is the key difference between the various systems, whether or not someone with perverse determination wishes to spend 12 hours or so breaking into an OS, the Mac and Linus systems have a base level of security (essentially sufficient for typical usage) out of the box which all Microsoft systems, so far, have failed to deliver.


I visit one site and one site only ...


using XP with no firewall/anti-virus software for five years must mean some seriously limited browsing on your part if you claim no infections in that time?

And how on earth is choosing to buy one computer rather than another, "elitist"?

George Lucas bitch slaps Spider-Man 3


Blah Blah HumBug (new SW character probably?)

If Spiderman three stole three hours of your life, what about the 20 or so hours those boring star wars pre-quels went on for...? At least this is a single movie that went bad (allegedly), Lucas managed to repeat that task three times in a row! Unforgiveable what he managed to do extricating all the fun, excitement and adventure from Star Wars - he should shut up and do penance somewhere. Preferably somewhere a long way from a cine camera ...

The Economist de-rails Microsoft media love in


where do I sign ...

As a marketing ploy for the Economist, that worked a treat! I almost feel like signing up right now for a subscription. Rarely seen/heard so much sense spoken by an individual at that type of event.

Microsoft super sizes multi-threaded tripe


... whatever ...

Pretty disappointed to read "fanboy" type comments here ... An article is written about Microsoft's software that perhaps isn't as glowing as some would like and it doesn't take long til we get down to the level of "yeah, but Linux is worse, it's blah blah blah ...". Irrespective of the question of accuracy of the comment, it's just childish.

And as for the "Spaghetti code" in Windows... wasn't this as much as admitted by Mr Gates himself in the Wall Street article referring to the mess they were in over Longhorn's development?

Vista – End of the Dream?


Vista = Me?

agree with the above comment that Vista is just an OS too far.

Sure some people will buy into it and yes DX10 may make some difference eventually but overall, best case scenario, Vista has been a disappointing damp squib. More pointedly, the "bloat" that is getting passed across to end users as "progress" is in my opinion a bit shameful - I want my computer tied up running the applications I have chosen for the PC, not straining to simply maintain its OS.

By the way, there's an interview with Balmer on USA today site where he says, whether he actually means it or not, that there will be a new Microsoft OS out in less than four years. Which would indicate that MS themselves believe Vista is simply the ME of its generation surely?