oh good, now where did put that box of 20 year old wyse terminals?
Posts by weasel
6 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Feb 2009
Microsoft enables booting physical PCs directly into cloud PCs
Israeli couple dub sprog 'Like'
The Professionals set to abseil into cinema
Probe spots Pac-Man on Saturnian Death Star
New cig peril: Third-hand smoke coats puffers in poison
Sat scope discovers Earthlike 'sauna world'
Thursday 5th February 2009 14:23 GMT

@ no title - AC
I am assuming you are using the term "evaporate" when you mean boil?
Water evaporates before it's boiling point, try leaving a glass of water out for a day.
The boiling point of water is not constant and is determined by the surrounding environmental pressure. The higher the pressure the higher the boiling point.