* Posts by Mike Manship

17 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Feb 2009

Gigantic toothless 'DRAGONS' dominated Earth's early skies

Mike Manship

Not a Dragon....

If it didn't breathe fire.

Blazing new comet may OUTSHINE THE MOON in 2013

Mike Manship

Re: Re:Shirly we need a pluto rant by now

It's a dwarf planet.

Get over it.

Microsoft promises two-step IE fix

Mike Manship

Intranet Explorer

There MS fixed it for you..

Let's face facts, it's only reasonably safe to use behind a corporate firewall and you only really have to use it at work anyway.

Why is the iPhone so successful? 'Cause people love 'em

Mike Manship

Re: Choice choice and more choice

No one is forced to buy an iPhone correct, although I'm sure peer pressure, fashion statements, aggressive marketing ploys and litigation against competitors might have a little something to do with it...

So I never said that, I simply said it was a limited choice. Android on the other hand offers lots of choice..

And Apple it seems are hell bent on restricting choice even further.

Mike Manship

Choice choice and more choice

If someone buys an Android device, they have a choice of a wide range of devices and manufacturers, each with their own distinct selling points.

If they buy an iPhone or a Nokia I have a very limited choice so probably don't know any better anyway.

Thankfully there is still a majority of us that like to have a choice and its not just limited to our choice of phone either.

Penguin icon because there is no sheep icon.

Internet Explorer needs fresh dev infusion for a full recovery

Mike Manship

Microsoft won't release IE on anything else...

I use Chrome and Firefox.


Because they are the same on Windows/Linux/Android etc.

Lots more of us are accessing the web from lots of different devices for both work and pleasure, why would I use IE when I can only run it on one OS?

I still don't understand why MS and some others don't get this...

Do you get the picture yet MS?

Windows Phone 8: What Nokia and Microsoft must do

Mike Manship

Re: OpenGL

This is actually a good point and its not only OpenGL its the entire closed philosophy of these propriety systems.

When are they going to get the message that what people actually want is choice and not get things shoved down their throats.

MS thinking should be more like porting Direct3D to other platforms, to add to the choice and let it compete on its own merits.

And this is the true power of Android, when I look for an App I get several to choose from, granted a lot of them are sh!t but its improving all the time.

The my way or the highway method just doesn't cut it any more, take note Apple.

Apple: I love to hate, and hate to love thee

Mike Manship

Congratulations friendly fruit!

I for one would like to offer my congratulations to Apple on such an historic achievement!!!

I'm not talking about winning the game changing court case against against Samsung based on the incredibly flakey US software patent system, or even the march to the top as the most valuable company in the world.

What I'm talking about is stealing Microsoft's crown as most hated Corporation in the world, I didn't think it could of happened any time soon but I've got to hand it to you!

Well done you guys, I hope it all works out well in the end....

Microsoft's Surface plan means the world belongs to Android now

Mike Manship
Thumb Down

Re: Many people saying Android has failed on tablets..

Er wrong... In fact you are completely wrong.

I've resisted getting a tablet because although I like tablets for the user experience and convenience etc. I for one actually like using a proper keyboard especially for email, docs and forums etc. So as soon as I read the review of the Asus Transformer on the Reg I thought a) That's exactly what I'm looking for b) Its also really cool and c) I don't have to put up with all that Apple or MS bollocks.

And you know what its brilliant and every single person I've showed it too including Apple Fanbois have been impressed.

The true fact of the matter is without doubt that although Apple do have an early lead, the tablet wars have only just begun.

Same thing happened with smart phones, Apple are not looking so dominant there any more are they?

Ten... Androids to outshine the iPhone 4S

Mike Manship

Popularity contest

I wouldn't fret too much, the Reg rated the Galaxy S2 the best phone on the planet a couple of months ago and we should all know by now that when something becomes too popular it starts getting slated instead.

Google boss turns Wave demise into success of sorts

Mike Manship
Paris Hilton

The difference between Google and MS

Google know when to quit....

MS will flog the dead horse indefinitely.

Paris because she don't know when to quit either...

Microsoft kills FAST's Linux and Unix search biz

Mike Manship

Microsoft Certified Hardware

Well they are on their way. I was in a well known uk pc store the other day and the salesman claimed that I would void the hardware warranty on a laptop if I put a different OS on it other than the one supplied with it. That only got a simple reply from me: Goodbye!

DataSlide reinvents hard drive

Mike Manship

The Hard Drive is Dead, Long Live the Hard Drive!

Over the many years I've been in the IT Industry there have been countless discussions of when the Hard Drive would eventually become obselete.

Well it hasn't happened yet, and if this stuff really does do what it says on the tin then its not going to happen anytime soon either.

Mines the one with a Hard ONe in the pocket.

ZuneHD en-route to Blighty?

Mike Manship
Thumb Down

So what?

Archos 5 already does all of that and much more including HDMI out to a big Telly...

Nothing new here and on shite MS hardware too...

Parcelforce website cold-shoulders Linux lovers

Mike Manship

No penguins allowed

Yeah, I noticed this a while back, it does seem that they've gone out of their way to actually develop code to prevent Browser/OS combinations from accessing their services.

So I decided to go to the Post Office instead of using their dumb website, only to find that the real reason that we should be avoiding Parcelforce is the extortionate pricing.

Open sourcey bulletin board offline after hack attack

Mike Manship

Same passwords

No sh!t Sherlock!

Having to register for 300+ websites and having to remember the passwords for all of them is just not feasible for the average mortal.

And yes I know we have passwird managers, but most people access the internet from many locations so they've still got to remember them.

Until someone comes up with a better method of authentication for the internet, this problem is going to stay.

The best advice I can give people is to use at least a few different passwords, a general one for sites you don't care about and more secure ones for banking etc.

Linux to spend eternity in shadow of 'little blue E'

Mike Manship

What a crock of sh!t!

Windows will stay dominant on the desktop for now, but its already changing and will accelerate over time.

I use Linux on my old PC and it has saved me several hundred pounds at least because I haven't needed to upgrade my hardware to run the latest versions of Windows.

I use PS3 for Gaming/Home Media, Archos 5 for wireless internet and media (served from my Linux PC).

All I've got is an XP VM for when I update my TomTom once in a blue moon.

Sure it took some setting up originally, but it was interesting and I've not had to do anything to it since, it just works when I need it to.

People aren't all stupid either they are just sheep, as soon as another FAD comes along they'll jump on that bandwagon in droves... Look at the iPhone.