* Posts by Lorna

2 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2009

Ma McKinnon plans musical extradition protest


Ma McKinnon Sing In

I think Janis Sharp/ Ma McKinnon prefers British Music.

Gary should stay in the U.K to face a Jury of his peers as his right under the Magna Carta.

Good idea the "Sing In". (Or is it a"Sting In")

Maybe Graham Nash & Dave Crosby will lend a hand.

Count me in

DEC 'hacker' questions McKinnon political bandwagon



Is this the same Scott Christie lying again! Gary McKinnon has never beeen charged with a DOS attack, so why the lies in recent computer magazine interviews Mr. Christie? or have you no clue as to what a DOS attack actually is?

Re-the alleged damage: The American prosecutors told British courts and the House of Lords that the alleged damage was fact yet within approx, one month afterwards in interviews given to several computer magazines, Scott Christie said: "the most difficult thing to prove once McKinnon was extradited would be the damage".

In other words, they have no proof of the damage Gary McKinnon has always denied

Was Scott Christie one of the prosecutors that had to leave his job after a scandal involving lying to congress? I know McNulty had a problem in that area, and Democratic American Judges were apparently being intimidated and in many cases sacked for not towing the line. McNulty was said to have lied to congress but said it was because he was misinformed.

I think they ought to be doing some damage limitation instead of Christie spouting off his lies again. They're not exactly innocents and their credibility is dubious.

97% of cases never get to trial in the U.S and people are often left imprisoned for years until they accept a plea bargain whether guilty or not. Is that Justice?

Now if you're rich that's another story, then you just might get a fair trial.

(I believe Kevin Mitnick was imprisoned for years before accepting a plea bargain)

Gary McKinnon left notes on computers over a long period telling them their security was crap, telling them "this is ridiculous" and it still took them forever to trace him on his dial up computer seven years ago at the flat he shared with his then girlfriend. He apparently saw people from all over the world including China, Russia and Korea wandering through Pentagon computer space as THERE WERE NO PASSWORDS AND NO FIREWALLS ON THOUSANDS OF MACHINES EVEN BEFORE AND AFTER 9/11

In March 2002 Gary was naive enough to admit to computer misuse without having engaged a lawyer because he trusted the British High-Tech crime unit who told him that they had been monitoring his computer activity for x amount of months and that as he had caused NO DAMAGE, he was looking at six months community service.

Then in September 2002 the U.S indicted Gary and simultaneously issued an arrest warrant but then waited until the U.K started using the one sided extradition treaty with America before re-arresting Gary in 2005 (Three Years Later)

In other words they waited until they no longer had to prove the damage Gary had always denied.

Cuthbert has no idea how it feels to be facing the prospect of being torn from your home to face the possible of sixty years in a U.S prison and even if it was half that Gary could well die in a U.S prison.

Gary wishes more than anything that he'd never poked his nose into any systems looking for UFO's and all he wants is the right to be prosecuted in his own country, a right which Cuthbert was afforded, so I can't understand what Cuthbert is actually complaining about.

Gary never wants to do interviews and rarely does them anymore; he did them in the past only because his legal team thought it might help his case.

Gary would rather be anonymous and hand the fame to Cuthbert that Cuthbert appears to want and if Gary could be fined £400 he and his family would be celebrating as they'd have their lives back again.

They have had seven years of absolute hell.

Boris Johnson was brilliant to speak up and say it like it is, as were the Liberal Party and many Labour MP's and lots of the amazing people who responded on this website..

Since this one sided extradition treaty was signed by the U.K, the Americans have been using it frivolously and maliciously to extradite British citizens for low level non violent crime that should not be an extraditable offence. The U.S are taking th p..ss and our government sold us out.

In addition to computer geeks British business men and women are no longer safe from extradition, unless of course they can pay millions of pounds in fines to the American government.

This one sided treaty has to go.

This happened seven years ago for Gods Sake and the U.S waited three years (until this one sided extradition treaty was being used) before applying to the u.k for an arrest warrant for Gary,;Thus giving them a legal advantage.

In other words, the U.S waited until they no longer had to provide evidence of damage but needed only to make an allegation.

Says it all really!