* Posts by Darryl Parvin

9 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2009

Class action launched against Facebook over biometric slurpage

Darryl Parvin

Bend it like Beckham

My guess is they'll torture the law to allow FB off the hook. Which will be a double bonus for the security state as this will set a precedent to allow even more egregious data harvesting from the non-consenting public. The law is now a perverse entity. It starts out with a desired decision and charts a course through legality to get there. I wonder how they got the legal system on board with this? Or were they always in cahoots and it's just now we're seeing it as more technology allows greater control..?

Google Docs to get 'shiny new' interface

Darryl Parvin


My Google Docs has never worked properly. Maybe this'll fix it... by Christmas

McAfee false-positive glitch fells PCs worldwide

Darryl Parvin


Strikes again! And when it isn't destroying your system, it's setting the Guinness Book Of Records fastest time for getting compromised by a rootkit and/or trojan. It's sole benefit is ... er... none really.

Darryl Parvin
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"Any professional IT support people using McAffee products in business should be fired for incompetence."

I agree... Goldman Sachs uses it globally, so there you go. The Indian phone helpdesk insisted my flatmate download it onto my... MY laptop when she rang them up for remote access. They didn't bother asking whose machine it was, of course. And GS does use the older engine too (cheap bastards), so it would've shoncked my laptop into the BSOD. Lucky I stopped her in time otherwise...

BSA urges London companies to check for pirate software

Darryl Parvin

The order

Microsoft claims to the public that it's preferred ranking for customer software would be:

1. MS software

2. Apple Software

3. Pirated software

but in reality they much prefer

1. MS software

2. Pirated software

3. Apple software

If they wanted to eliminate pirated software they could. But it would damage their profits.

NASA gets cold feet on Moon base plan

Darryl Parvin

Santa Claus likes his privacy

Why do I think its never seriously been on the agenda in the first place?

This has been a recent ploy in American politics. Someone stands up and declares they'll investigate/pursue "whatever". They draw all the fire and enthusiasm off and then much later shelve the whole idea. Did it with the impeachment of Bush, did it with the prosecution of torture and now with the moon base. It's a cynical ploy to simply run down the clock.

Darryl Parvin

Technology is being blunted

Look around the kitchen you're in. There isn't much innovation in there that's more recent than 1964. And cars? Very, very modest improvements. If you think that's not the case then

consider it took just 60+ years to go from the Wright Flyer to the SR-71 Blackbird!! And in the 60 years since? The Shuttle?? Give me a break! WHERE'S MY JETPACK!? The answer? I believe the money has been dammed or diverted to the monopoly game called The Finance Market.

These people call themselves "financiers, capitalists and investors"? Under that logic the punter at the race track is an "investor". He goes down the newspaper column, looks at the previous results and "expert" punter predictions, buys pieces of paper, and if he wins: Presto! He collects more paper. Nothing created but that money could've gone to pay the wages or investments for further research. Of course if he loses then he mugs the guy in the street for $700B and heads right back to the track, er.. stock market.

And as a further blow to innovation the govt. doesn't want us to get too technological. They worry about break-ins on the 30th floor so there'll never be anti-grav/jet pack machines. They see drunk-driving at 500km/h so no flying cars. Free energy research leads inevitably to removing the oil hegemony and tax revenues. Technology could end up making us so independent we virtually secede from "the-powers-that-be" of a taxing society. Also "bad" is uninhibited communication/freedom of information so now you need your passport to get a mobile phone. Look at the internet. It's tax free. They can't control these things.

So.. no moon base. Technology is muted by control of the $$$ excepting certain fields like more tracking/NSA satellites.

Microsoft conjures imaginary 'Apple Tax'

Darryl Parvin

Cool Tax

Sorry - I'd have to agree with Apple being expensive because of the "cool tax". It's something I assiduously avoid with all products. I don't pay an extra 100 pounds on top to be branded with a Swoosh like a donkey, and I don't hand over an extra 500 pounds for a silhouette of a piece of fruit.

I'm not cool enough for a Mac... and thankful for it.

DEC 'hacker' questions McKinnon political bandwagon

Darryl Parvin

McKinnon is a bloody liar

If you watch his interview with Click!'s totally IT clueless host (on youtube) and you'll see his explanation is totally bogus about how he did it. Apart from very sus pausing and stammering he sez he scanned for PC IP's inside the networks that didn't have passwords. Sorry carrot-head; PC's DON'T HAVE public IP's, you can't scan for them. Only the servers that act as internet/WAN gateways do, and they WILL NOT even let you finish loading the server install if you don't put in a password. Sounded to me like he didn't know WTF he was talking about rather than covering up his "elite" skills. He's just a know-nothing hanger-on fronting for his sniggering online buddies who've abandoned him.