Ahhh mail fraud, one of the more fun ways to get the feds after you....
27 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2009
"More to the point, ad nauseum, is why did Google see a need to be about collecting SSIDs, or any other wireless information while photographing the neighborhood(s)?"
or an Ipod which does not have gps... funny how it can locate quite accurately even though it has no radio other than wifi. Thats because its tracking SID / MAC and bouncing that off of the maps online data base...
Can't we keep it simple... Is it not easier to celebrate the "Decade" meaning 10 years every time the tens digit is changed, and respectively so the hundreds, thousands, etc? lets face it we don't even know for a fact if Jesus even truly existed, and every one who has ever attempted to prove ANY thing that happened in the bible as being fact has been stacked against with a mountain of refuting evidence... So here is how I see it... We don't know the exact date the earth was created, thus we need some point... We use the supposed birth (or death or some other fictitious date in the middle) of Jesus as a starting point... So assume that the previous year as year 0 and call it a bloody day! (or year if you are so pleased).
Ok being a yank, All I want to know is how much does it cost me not every one... and If I break my leg, need a bigger dong, or I have the sniffles how much it costs me... I have yet to see this and that is frustrating. Just tell me how much... at $125 a month for health insurance right now I find it hard to belive it could get worse...
You had me till you said Windows...
In all honesty I am on cell phone protest right now... The G phone is a hunk of junk (what is with the near side-kick-ish wax on wax off keyboard?), the Iphone while having a crap load of apps while is nice and I could see my self buying it if there wasn't a piece of fruit on the back (or may by if apple released its iron fist and let us do what we want with the phone we bought). And the black berry storm is about as useful as a jimmy with a hole in the liquid capturing reservoir.
I want a strait up Gphone with no mechanical keyboard running linux... is that too much to ask for?
"Or who happen to have the same IP as other people who WERE downloading content"
Ummmm no... for downloading to actually work it requires a connectionful TCP connection... Thus if some one spoofs your ip all returned data (AKA the download you just requested) gets thrown out the nearest airlock.
Now if you were running a Tor end point... well then there is no helping your level of stupidity...
Now if you were using a Tor end point, you might want to look at who owns that end point, (IE: Hong Kong Post Office (they also are a cert auth too) or the NSA, CIA, FBI, ect...) Its kind of hard to be private when you are sending all your data too the people your trying to obfuscate around.
That these companies should have realized that saving a buck does not equate to making two... Removing money from the economy you do business in has a negative return in the long run. May be once we are out of this 3rd ring of hell we call the "recession" these companies will realize just what exactly it means to be socioeconomically conscious. I for one will not do business with them.