Another idea
You didn't mention budget, so... How about the LaCie Little Big Disk Quadra.
For more speed, get 2 and set up USB-RAID
3 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2009
One configurable SKU is a great idea for a corporate, managed environment, or where you have people who know that the computer is the box under the desk, not the moving picture box with the little blue E controlled by a rat.
For the numpties that just buy a PC and use what they get, who decides what they need? The big OEM's already throw on enough crapware as is without deciding what Windows components to include. At least with modularity, the OEM's can include the little blue E as a choice rather than as a forced bundle.
Home users, 3 SKU's - one Home Basic netbook-y one, one Home (just plain Home) mid-range one, and one all-singing all-dancing Home Ultimate version (No Domain membership, but virtualisation for the power users) Allow cross-grading. I buy license for basic, I pay a bit more to get a new key that activates the additional features in the mid-range. Pay a bit more for Home Ultimate.
One Business version, using the Basic as the base, but with REQUIRED Domain membership, Active Directory, and a license management server. Pay for the software dev guys/admins/whoever needs it to get virtualisation. Manage other features, as if they were snap-ins. Also throw in free XP Pro licenses just because NewWindows might just suck royally.
Also, hot desking becomes a reality, manage what software is installed where based on Active Directory profiles, both Computer and User. Heck, why not just bring back thin clients, but with enough grunt to run Photoshop and AutoCAD Architecture or worse.