* Posts by Alan Davies

50 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2007

NES is back... for 60 bucks

Alan Davies
Black Helicopters


I Raspberry Pi installed with retropie would provide the same, if not more games for your money.

Plymouth 'animal rights' teen admits Florida SeaWorld cyber attack

Alan Davies

To be fair,

he's not an adult.

Visiting America? US border agents want your Twitter, Facebook URLs

Alan Davies

But my social name isn't my real name

What's preventing me from not declaring this information?

Euro cops cuff 112 in paedophile network raids

Alan Davies

Would you want an organ from a paedophile in you? I think not.

Alan Davies

I'd take a guess and say that the amount of child porn found, was the size of the hard drives recovered. Some poor bastard is going to have to wade through and work out the finer details for an official report.

Is Angry Birds 2 a Fox film spin-off?

Alan Davies

Angry Birds Film

" highly-anticipated film." Anticipated by whom?


Facebook blames outage on internal config flaw

Alan Davies


Are you telling me 4chan didn't have anything to do with this?


Fire at The Planet takes down thousands of websites

Alan Davies

b3ta is back

Err WOO YAY! . . . .. ?

Alan Davies


Productivity has increased tenfold. I hope b3ta/links is back on line soon. I have a rather humorous clip of Rick Astley to post . . .

HP pays $13.9bn for EDS

Alan Davies

I've sent Ron Rittenmeyer an email

It said WOO! I'm still waiting for a rely.

Comcast acquires BitTorrent for $53bn

Alan Davies

That's nothing

I've just seen a video that proves penguins can fly!

Disintegrating wind turbine caught on camera

Alan Davies


I'm definitely a fan of those videos. No I didn't bring one, the taxi is waiting for me outside.

Wii Fit to hit UK in April

Alan Davies


The Wii Balance board is perfect for 2 player Time Crisis, one half of the board per person. Tony Hawks might even be in the pipeline, though IMHO, they suck big time. Personally I'm dripping with anticipation at the thought of playing Mario Kart Wii as I've played MKDD and the DS version to death.

Billg quits Facebook

Alan Davies

I can relate to that

I know how Bill feels. I get about 30 friend requests a day.

Sid Little

Cigarette ash proves a drag for Nintendo's Wii

Alan Davies


The problems is that SSMB is one of the first dual layer discs that Nintendo have released, as with such a huge demand for the game, maybe the production was rushed and Nintendo are trying to cover their mistake? Admittedly Ninty are offering free repairs if you send your Wii, the game and proof of purchase.

HMRC still waiting for EDS cash

Alan Davies

The HMRC can wait!

I want my pay rise out of EDS first!

Joke icon because expecting a pay rise out of EDS is a joke.

Second-gen O2 XDA Orbit goes on sale

Alan Davies

Site down?

Can anyone access the XDA section? I get the " XSLT Portlet is temporarily unavailable." error.


Estonia fines man for DDoS attacks

Alan Davies

Manual conversion

$1,641 is roughly £20.

RIAA wiped off the net

Alan Davies

I think this deserves a


Yahoo! backs! OpenID!

Alan Davies



iPhone turns blue as IBM creates Lotus client

Alan Davies
Thumb Up

@ Anonymous Coward

I probably fit into category a. I know Notes is bad, I've supported it since Notes 4! Still it give me something to do whilst I while away the hours until I clock off.

@Dave Badger (!)

Shame. I like discussing the annoyance of Notes.

Alan Davies

@ Anonymous Coward

I'd suggest using Notes 8 rather then Notes 6. It's significantly better and you may even have something positive to say about it.

Saying that Notes is basically a glorified spreadsheet, and we all like spreadsheet don't we?

The Dark Knight - 2008's biggest movie?

Alan Davies

What the deuce!

Hellboy II at number 11?!?!?!

Alan Davies

My 2p

I can't believe that No Country For Old Men is at number 47! Iron Man and Bond will be worthy of an expensive cinema ticket.

You didn't ask, but the worst films this year are going to be http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/postal/trailer/ and http://www.meetthespartans.com

Kylie wraps herself round Dalek

Alan Davies

Is it me . .

. . . or is that Dalek excited to see Kylie?

Tesco in X-rated Lawnmower Simulator shocker

Alan Davies
Thumb Down


A game worthy of purchasing a PS3 for.

US man sets himself on fire and cuts off his own arm

Alan Davies

You've got to hand it to him . . .

I'm just amazed that he just knuckled down and cut his arm off. I'm surprised his wife didn't give him the elbow or the cold shoulder after what happened . . .

Click here for the UK's worst-paid IT job

Alan Davies


I had no idea EDS were recruiting!

Need a new set of b*llocks? Try Argos

Alan Davies

I've always said

Argos was the nuts.

LEDs replace hands in bonkers Japanese watches

Alan Davies

@ Adrian Esdaile

Well, you'll be correct twice a day, you just won't know when! To coin a phrase,

"Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day."

Britney's wares exposed online

Alan Davies

What is this world coming to?

Britney's unreleased album appearing on BitTorrent?

Shame on you pirates. Release something worth downloading.

I'm gonna go play Portal.

Swiss deploy glass airliner

Alan Davies


Am I the only person who can't see it?

O2 updates Orbit to WM6

Alan Davies


My XDA has upgraded, you need to use IE to download the update :-o)

Alan Davies

02 Customer Support

I've just called 02 and have been told that the site is not working (really??) and that it should be fixed within a month. Apparently my serial number doesn't exist! I asked if 02 planned in taking down the site whilst this maintenance was being carried out. I got no response.

I'm curious to how anyone else has been able to upgrade their phone, or were you one of the lucky ones?

Alan Davies

HTC e-Club

Sorry, HTC e-Club is temporarily unavailable due to heavy load on the web server. Please try again later.


75-year-old has world's fastest private internet connection

Alan Davies


Holy Download Speed Batman!

BBC stumbles on email list

Alan Davies


Does no-one use the BCC field anymore?

Enraged reader savages iPhone fanboys

Alan Davies


Personally I've always preferred the George Forman.

Police deploy thin Bluetooth line

Alan Davies

Why no pants?

I always thought that you could send contact details over Bluetooth, without the recipient having to accept your message. I do it all the time to people on public transport, I send them contact details using the name "Why no pants!"

This page has been intentionally left blank

Alan Davies


The best bottom has left Big Brother!

BBC shows Olympic logo the door

Alan Davies

Is this the 80's?

That crappy logo wouldn't look out of place on a bedroom wall in a John Hughes film.

TV ads too loud, industry watchdog says

Alan Davies


I always thought it was because of NICAM and not having a digital TVsignal.

Rome's atmosphere shows signs of cocaine

Alan Davies

Return to Rome please!

"Roman uni are unlikely to have Lindsay Lohan rushing for the next plane to the city. Even at their height during the winter months the concentration measured a modest 0.1 nanogrammes per cubic metre."

Like that'll stop her.

Spam King arrested in Seattle

Alan Davies

Does anyone

have his email address?

Ofcom rules on Celebrity Big Brother racism rumpus

Alan Davies


I for one cannot wait for the next enthralling installment of Big Brother. I'll be surprised if any news of any national importance reaches the front page of the nations daily papers in the forthcoming months. I'm thankful that it only last for what seems like 40 weeks. /sarcasm

Seagate FreeAgent Pro 750GB external hard drive

Alan Davies

Bertie Bassett

That looks like a gigantic liquorice allsort!

Scientology tries to discredit BBC documentary

Alan Davies

Re: Bittorrent or BBC America

It's already available on some UK torrent sites, not that I would encourage this.

As we all know downloading TV shows is against some kind of law and would probably result in the offenders in being hydrogen bombed or something equally wacky.

Don't let Windows Indexing Service know too much

Alan Davies

Good Points

There are some particularly good points there, but any educated PC owner would disable the indexing service and install Google Desktop.

Home Secretary bigs up fingerprint-activated iPods

Alan Davies

Introducing fingerprint identification

For iPods, mobile phones, PDA's etc, means that the sales of secateurs will sky rocket.

PlayStation mag tears out 'unsuitable' slaughtered goat pic

Alan Davies

How is it . .

. . . that I never get invited to these kinds of events?