Re: It is almost as if it were criminal .......
It's a percentage of their Worldwide income IIRC - Maximum they can fine is 4%
31 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2009
So what steps can a typical home user take to secure their network. Say for example BT HomeHub or other ISP router with say Wifi/Cloud Printer, ISP provided TV Box, Internet Radio, Games Consoles, Phones,Tablets, Kindles etc. All branded, No devices from the Biou-Qing Mat-Toilet Company of Luquio Taizhou ;).
I recall them quibbling about Debit cards not being sufficient. So I'm guessing they are planning a pre-auth/token fee to a credit card requirement (and then you'll have to call to get the fraud lock removed from your card as happened when I tried to remove the adult lock from the PAYG work phone.)
Electric trains are also a lot more powerful then diesel. A bog standard electric loco puts out about 8-9000hp - a very large diesel can do about 4000hp at best (and weighs a lot more - up to twice as much) - but big thing with Electic trains, they don't carry their own batteries, instead having a contact wire or rail fed from the national grid.
Then again maybe that might be the way forward. have an electric grid suspended over the road and an earthed road surface. Pity someone already owns the patant on the Dodgem :)
Wasn't Spanair owned by SAS at the time? a few years ago when the Q400 was having lots of gear collapses, all the aircraft with failures (or signs of imminant failures) were owned and maintained by SAS, no other operator's aircraft were affected. IIRC it was eventually found that SAS were not maintaining them properly (though they still junked the Q400 fleet and tried to blame the manufacturer)